Amur Minerals Corporation - Re: AMC Stream Log - Chapter Minvostokrazvitiya Galushka Alexander spoke...

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17:29 25/04/2014

Chapter Minvostokrazvitiya Galushka Alexander spoke at a meeting of the Government Commission on the socio-economic development of the Far East, which was held in Khabarovsk, under the leadership of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Minister said that the department completed the process of granting new powers, a draft federal law on the territories of the advanced development of the Far East, is working on updating all state and federal programs as well as the formation of a new state program of development of the Far East. "In addition, we are working on adjusting the FTP development of the Far East and the Baikal region. Until April 30, we conclude this work, and it will carry out transport objects in the transport program. We also consider it important to saturate the new program for the Far East effective investment projects ", - said the Minister. According to him, the agency has already completed the selection of such projects. At this stage, selected 32 investment projects in various sectors of the economy. A.Galushka also formulated the mechanism and conditions for investment projects. "In our view, it is necessary to approve the methodology for the selection and evaluation of investment projects, to create a special subcommittee on development of the Far East, which would deal with projects and approve a new approach to the formation of the state program, based on the support of highly efficient and vysokogotovyh to implement investment projects. If we go down this path, then we can attract to the Far East 2.2 trillion rubles in private investment, "- said A.Galushka.

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