Amur Minerals Corporation - Re: AMC Stream Log - From Russian Government website... On...

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12:12 21/04/2014

From Russian Government website... On the Introduction to the State Duma a bill prepared by the Ministry of Transport, aimed at the implementation of international standards in the area of state control over compliance with requirements for aerodromes, heliports and their exploitation... The draft law "On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation" in implementing international standards in the field of state control over compliance with requirements for aerodromes, heliports and their operation has been prepared by Ministry of Transport of Russia. The Russian Federation is a state - party to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, opened for signature on December 7, 1944 in Chicago, which came into force on 4 April 1947. In accordance with this Convention, each State undertakes to ensure to the maximum practicable degree of uniformity in regulations, standards and procedures, including those relating to the requirements for civil airfields, heliports and their operation. In order to implement international standards in the field of state control over compliance with requirements for aerodromes, heliports and their operation are proposed to the Air Code of the Russian Federation the following changes: - Specify a list of ground equipment and other objects subject to mandatory certification, including to establish the position of the mandatory certification of aerodromes used for regular commercial air transport, except aerodrome intended for take-off and landing aircraft with a seating capacity for more passengers 20 (Article 8); - Clarify the procedures for admission to operation and subsequent operation of airports, heliports and landing sites, as well as state registration of airfields and heliports (Articles 40, 41 and 49); - Clarify the provisions relating to the requirements for aerodromes, heliports and landing sites intended for take-off, landing, taxiing and parking of civil aircraft, as well as the closure of civil aerodromes and heliports (Articles 48 and 50). Adoption of the bill would eliminate unnecessary government regulation in aviation, lower costs of businesses that have a positive effect on the development of air transport and general aviation. With the adoption of the bill will create additional conditions for the development of civil aviation, including the development of infrastructure for local and regional air transport, and aircraft operations of general aviation. The bill discussed and approved at the Government meeting April 10, 2014

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