ASTA Stream Log

15:45 19/06/2014

i have everything crossed for a big finish otherwise im taking a loss tomorrow morning

15:45 19/06/2014

maybe trying to get people to buy for end of day push?

15:44 19/06/2014

lol indeed.....a massive bunch of delayed trades just went through from 11am...followed by current timed sells

15:44 19/06/2014

thats a hefty % gain to make back the commission

15:41 19/06/2014


15:41 19/06/2014

he topped up 96£

15:41 19/06/2014

WIgyes who just topped up.....

15:40 19/06/2014

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15:39 19/06/2014


15:39 19/06/2014

what app is this??