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23:42 19/01/2024

Not looking good of late the total loss is a least not as bad as 11th November 2023 -160,602 ( 11,997 better ) which does match FT100 chart which has fallen back to late November 2023 level.

23:15 19/01/2024

19th January 2024 (B) 398,081 ( Por ) 640,712 ( debt ) -242,631 (Day ) 1,042 ( Available ) 21,565 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -148,605

23:01 19/01/2024

640,712 Port - the new marker is 546,349.... 547,749 - 1400 ( 3400 in 4880 out = 1400 out bal ) Marker beaten by 94,363

22:51 29/12/2023

So it has been a very bad year 2023 for more reasons then decline in share values . The best ever marker 15/04/2022 Easter week when beaten by 342,524 , this time last year beaten by 181,464 . best this year 04/02/2023 beaten by 230,519 , by 15/04/2023 beaten by a less 193,513 , by 07/10/2023 beaten by 126,513 ( near today,s )

22:09 29/12/2023

671,484 Port - the new marker 547,749 = Marker beaten by 123,735

21:57 29/12/2023

31st December 2023 (B) 427,941 ( Por ) 671,484 ( debt ) -243,542 (Day ) 1,190 ( Available ) 30,807 The TOTAL IS A LOSS -120,141.

11:05 07/12/2023

So my year lows here on the 11th November 2023, the marker must of been even lower then this beaten by 99,744 noted yesterday ,in July this year 160,389

18:09 06/12/2023

653,493 Port - the new marker 553,749 = Marker beaten by 99,744

17:53 06/12/2023

1ST October marker shown below 558,760 withdraw balance since 5011 new marker = 2nd Dec 553,749 ( not including - 2000 4th December )

17:27 06/12/2023

2nd December 2023 (B) 409,386 ( Por ) 653,493 ( debt ) -244,106 (Day ) 1,204 ( Available ) 23,442 The new marker not calculated The TOTAL IS A LOSS -144,700.
