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11:59 08/04/2014

Minister of the Russian Federation on development of the Far East Alexander Galushka during his working trip to the Primorsky Krai, told the "Autoradio" in Vladivostok on the work on updating the department of socio-economic development of the macro-and fundamentally new approaches to the implementation of projects that can integrate the Far East in the APR. Question: Alexander, there are fears that the events in Ukraine and related "sanctions" to frighten investors, pushed the Far East to the "wayside." A.Galushka: Fears unfounded. We are many and often deal with foreign investors, persons who make decisions - foreign events occurring to them are not hindering factor, they are willing to develop economic cooperation with Russia. With regard to federal agencies, and here no plans in connection with the entry of the Crimea in the Russian Federation "cut" funding for the region. Increased attention to the territory remains. Question: In the public mind the idea has taken root that Moscow sees the Far East only "corridor", a utility area, and not a full "living" area. Gap is not here? A.Galushka: I absolutely agree, it's one of the problems. I would say more, this "gap" program founded in the Far East development - rebuilt it as if it is a transit area, there is only transport objects - this is wrong. And believe me, it is very difficult to adjust this approach. We intend to develop a new target program, it will breakthrough projects around which inevitably begins to seethe life, there are whole clusters of small-medium sized businesses, social infrastructure, etc. Question: One of the proposed instruments "breakthrough" - the creation of areas of advanced development. The process has started? A.Galushka: In Primorye, we examined eight suitable sites, although there was much more represented. But the first stage selected the most qualified in terms of quality of land survey work, infrastructure readiness, logistics, etc. The volume of budget investments that can be held for more than two trillion rubles - this is only in the Primorye Territory. A budget for their implementation requires less than $ 200 billion - contrast the figures. That is, in our opinion, is the "effective control", when one official ruble we get more than 10 rubles of private investment. Question: Local business quite alert to the top, fearing unequal conditions. In particular, the dockers very zealously concerned to create economic port zones based on new projects. A.Galushka: Well, firstly, the existing ports can claim the status of the territory of advanced development when there are serious development programs that meet the basic parameters of TOR. Secondly, as practice shows, coming to a region with a new quality of investments and new technologies always increases the demand for local businesses to stimulate its development. Next to the "anchor" investor there is a lot of new productions, which before the territory was not at all. Question: At a meeting with the President, it was stated that as a "model" of the sample you offered top Russian island - what's the point? A.Galushka: It was about the creation of the island of Russian contemporary intellectual grounds, the point of attraction for the best specialists in Pacific Rim countries. In particular, we propose the creation of a Palo-based departments of leading companies, both Russian and foreign, that could prepare world-class specialists. (...)

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