Karelian Diamond Resources

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16:41 01/04/2014

Did not allow me to buy 80000, sh**te! Was watching it with my jaw dropped

15:42 01/04/2014

laters skier matey. excellent dramatic volume this afternoon. definite news

15:38 01/04/2014

nice one skier. i think the mms will take this back down today,then shoot it up again tomorrow. I've got to go to a meeting now,catch you later mate

15:38 01/04/2014

tough call Jay mate,got to be careful what is say

15:36 01/04/2014

skier,i'm looking at something on the pics which i'll ulpoad tonight. i can't show what's on them as it would have to be denied,lol

15:34 01/04/2014

i'm actually on the pics skier ''unofficially'' of course mate. can't say too much on here,but my sources are bang on

15:30 01/04/2014

hello to you mavis. send email addresses and i'll get you invites to our bb. steve is copying and pasting a post i put the other from a certainmeeting with certain players

15:28 01/04/2014

skier,nice to speak mate. hope you're well. i released some pics on the private bb last night. nothing major but from seitapera and kuusamo. got given the nod last night. nice to speak again mate,been itching to get you on our forum

15:26 01/04/2014

cheers pal

15:23 01/04/2014

put it anywhere Steve,everything stands up as gospel mate,point proven now. don't put the pics up please though mate
