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20:12 07/09/2015

could it drop to 2.75 tomorrow, just for a limited time?

19:53 07/09/2015

is it too late to buy?

10:33 07/09/2015

Ah okay, cheers buddy. Bit more of an insight now, looks like it's set to be another good week for AFPO

10:25 07/09/2015

Stock - also because there is a spread of sell at 2.65 and buy at 2.80, the spread is .15 a lot of purchase trades within this range come up as buys, I'm no expert just what I've picked up from others

10:22 07/09/2015

Stock - There are only 750 million shares available, general consensus is 640 available for trading, because this is a low priced share, most holders have large holdings, I myself have 1.4 mil, there are loads of posters on LSE that each have several million each, so when you think about it, as long as people hold and demand continues new buyers have to pay the ever rising premium

10:17 07/09/2015

Heath, you about? I don't understand this talk about desperate for shares? People saying "buys showing in red?"

09:14 07/09/2015

AFPO, JLP, OXS 3x calm before the storm?

20:46 05/09/2015

Stock - meant to add, I do think we will have a MOU sometime next week, I am really hoping for the confirmation of order RNS though which hopefully outlines our commission from the arrangement

20:43 05/09/2015

Stock - made a mistake earlier, my target is 5.6 and not 6.5. Though I will review it when we close in on this number and assess then, I'm hoping to hit this target and take 80% out to invest in a few stocks I have my eye on to hopefully give me safe big returns in December 2018, so fingers crossed we'll hit our respective targets.. Still intend to keep a 10 to 15k in AFPO though because if CC gets what he seems to be aiming for, this will be huge.. Strikes me the deal with COMESA is nothing to do with short term business deals, it's about something way bigger, that's why I feel CC had all this arranged and in place with COMESA before he even 'joined' AFPO

20:07 05/09/2015

Congrats man, wish I entered at that price! This is my first AIM share actually, my portfolio hasn't been that big to be honest, fairly naive. But I've done well thus far and hope this stock will be another to add as a success. I usually prefer a shorter term invesment, but part of me is tempted to wait this one out. I completely agree, I think this will go big in the long term and CC is definitely the guy to be behind it all. I have everything in this stock too, I'm all in. I've even considered trying to get some more capital and buying more come Monday, but may just play it safe now and let it ride. So you reckon we'll see another deal placed next week?

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