
Petropavlovsk - Re: POG Stream Log - Mogo: a friend of mine...

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08:38 07/03/2014

Mogo: a friend of mine years ago worked with an ex royal navy submarine sailor who’s boat was in service in the Atlantic when the crisis broke. He said that when their captain received to last but one order via the keys and codes system to prepare to launch a nuclear missile that all the naval rankings melted away in the sheer fear and anxiety about was was possibly going to happen. Apparently naval officers and ordinary seamen started using peoples christian names when talking to each other in that tense frightening period when awaiting the next final launch command. I was about to turn ten that November 1962 and here in the UK we were experiencing the last of our great smogs in a very cold autumn with the coldest winter for several hundred years about to whack Europe and the UK as from Boxing day. After the crisis died down and the fog and frost took hold as the precursor to that unforgettable winter the Beatles were about to embark on their stupendous rise with the release of the single ‘Please Please Me’ in that January as we all got over the fear of nuclear obliteration and froze our nuts off in power cuts and a record breaking winter cold winre
