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13:06 14/03/2014

paid deramper is one of many possible vested itnersts you may have, a short is another, simply taking pleasure winding people up may be another

13:06 14/03/2014

nope, i gave you my answer

13:05 14/03/2014

Yes or No...simple

13:05 14/03/2014

i did answer it

13:05 14/03/2014

Answer the question Anthracis, you are either saying I am or I'm not...which one?

13:04 14/03/2014

im suggesting that for some reason you don't disclose you have a vested interest in seeing this share drop. otherwise youd find something more productive to spend your time on, wouldn't you?

13:04 14/03/2014

don't get me wrong, I like to have a moan about MA sometimes too. but I take a few weeks/months off in between

13:04 14/03/2014

So to be clear...are you suggesting Anthracis, that I'm a paid 'deramper'?

13:03 14/03/2014

in short, you overdo it a bit for someone who isn't invested in a share and has no agenda

13:03 14/03/2014

you are a fool because you think no one draws any inference from the fact you only post during working hours and only ever have the same thing to say. while im the first to agree with you that most people are dopey, they aint that dopey

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