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13:09 14/03/2014

Wow...some admission to make Anthracis...your trading is based on what you read on the boards. Well...I have misjudged you|!

13:08 14/03/2014

correctly, apparently

13:08 14/03/2014

i was simply going off a record of missed deadlines

13:08 14/03/2014

*read it on the boards

13:08 14/03/2014

i didn't know the stuff about may/june until yesterday when i knew it on the boards

13:08 14/03/2014

But I thought you knew that ZEMA couldn't give a decision yet? I'm confused

13:08 14/03/2014

if it spikes before zema i may short that

13:07 14/03/2014

i expected it to fall, i didn't short because if zema came in early it would have risen and no spike appeared to provide an opportunity to do so

13:07 14/03/2014

Hahaahaha...bit spineless that one. So if we accept the rpemise that you 'knew' that this was going to fall...why didn't you take a short rather than yet more longs?

13:07 14/03/2014

but whatever your reason, you overdo it too the point that it strains credibility. but whatever, i pay no attention to what people say on the internet, so doesn't bother me. do as you will

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