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10:10 17/03/2014

that little rise didn't last long.Wonder how much further we will drop

15:18 14/03/2014

That’s it from me this week…and what a palaver it has been. I know it’s the weekend and the ramping crew will be firing up their fantasy machine about how this is all part of the plan, but I’d encourage you all to take in some Spring sunshine and look at what is going on here with a fresh pair of eyes on Monday. PIs are selling with a purpose and who knows when the fall will be brought to a halt. Enjoy the weekend and I’ll catch you all later on Monday afternoon all being well

14:55 14/03/2014

This share is incredible, everyone is always adding but the pesky MMs keep moving it down. Its just not fair, why are they so cruel.

14:41 14/03/2014

KBC< sounds more like the pesky IIs under the radar! If BMR didn't have the PIs, who would be left?!?

14:40 14/03/2014

Draven....its the MMs again is it. ffs

14:03 14/03/2014

Some sellers seem to be taking advantage of those who want to 'top up'

13:25 14/03/2014

or the lowest number of idiotic policies, i should say

13:24 14/03/2014

actually i never have. have voted both tory and labour. but the lib dems have a couple of dealbreaker policies for me. however, truth be told they are all as bad as each other. i usually choose between labour and tory by working out which one has the least idiotic policies

13:23 14/03/2014

Anth, I'm guessing you vote Lib Dem. Off to eat my delicious Lamb Siniyah now...

13:22 14/03/2014

in fact forget ramping and deramping. i dislike people deliberately trying to mislead others for whatever the reason

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