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15:07 17/03/2014

Well it was sined by Dennis end of Jan. So are you saying the EIA is wrong and misleading ZEMA?

15:06 17/03/2014

Kabwe Copper Plant Construction Completed Berkeley Mineral Resources (AIM:BMR), the AIM listed resource company engaged in the processing of tailings dumps in Zambia, is pleased to announce that construction of the copper cementation plant at Kabwe is now complete. A dry test has been run on all aspects of the plant and the Company is now water testing all pumps and motors at operational pressure. This will be followed at the beginning of next week by the proof of concept testing with the resultant trial production using acid leeching and cementation. Masoud Alikhani, Chairman, commented: "We have now finished construction of the cementation plant and once testing has been completed next week we are ready to commence production using the oxide material. In 2014 we will bring copper sulphide and lead and zinc processing on stream".

15:05 17/03/2014

kbc when was the eia produced lol

15:05 17/03/2014

What makes me laugh is the so called "researched" have not even noticed that half the plant for the copper production is not even onsite according to the EIA.

15:01 17/03/2014

It is only 3 weeks or so since the ramping crew abused and ridiculed Tony for suggesting that this would go down to 1.5p..."we are still waiting on your 1.5p or the sp doubling on MA stepping down lol". When is the penny finally going to drop?

14:50 17/03/2014

Lewis sounds quite angry...hold in there fella

14:50 17/03/2014

No...same as ever.....blind leading the blind....

14:47 17/03/2014

Good afternoon...have I missed anything KBC?

14:33 17/03/2014 rabbits in the headliths. This sugested saviour who is "testing" in South Africa is irrelevant as the process is clearly defined in the EIA for the zinc/lead as Ascots proposals. They will not be able to deviate from that, it will become a LEGAL document. So where are all the millions of $ coming from?

10:27 17/03/2014

1.8p to buy and no-one interested, Shows how little faith there is left in BMR and MA

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