Avocet Mining

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01:10 02/10/2014

the americans got ebola research centres in west africa and now ebola is helping to keep the gold prices down, whens theres ebola theres no need for gold, pog can only go down

16:15 28/09/2014

map of ebola in 2015 if not contained soon? www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2752911/Ebola-hit-15-countries-Africa-Study-disease-spread-past-finds-70million-people-risk-infection.html

13:53 28/09/2014

official death toll could be up to 9000 www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2772112/Bonfire-ebola-victims-The-bones-ashes-700-plague-victims-lie-mound-incinerators-imported-Britain-just-one-macabre-scenes-reveal-true-toll-worlds-deadliest-virus.html

01:35 25/09/2014

the directors want to buy at around 1p share and it will come true by the way they are managing this company

15:18 21/09/2014

ebola helps the sp go lower www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-09-19/exponential-ebola-cases-now-double-every-3-weeks-cdc-warns-over-half-million-may-be-

20:17 20/09/2014

its going to have the same fate as VGM

20:15 20/09/2014

if the gold price continue to go down the we will see avm sp going down too as its debt is still growing and revenue is going down and profit is none existent for the past few years nav is going down too expect sp to go down more if gold price goes down 6p soon then 5p then it might as well go bankurupt or sold off cheap because its not making any profit

00:04 09/09/2014

no wonder avm is down pog is down

20:05 28/08/2014

RE: CEY . Tornadotony .Indian gold sales on the up.

20:19 26/08/2014

I believe in that kind of thingy !!
