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20:06 15/05/2015

Pog , holding nicely around 1225 ,10 cent up in 24 hours, healthier than in months, we need 1300 +. Achievable with the state of dollar. They would love to start another war somewhere, the only way to boost dollar., unfortunately for those on the recieving end. And I am not green or lefty, just got sick of them ,manipulating,

18:08 06/04/2015

investing in sierra leone? think again www.thesierraleonetelegraph.com/?p=9029&cpage=1

13:12 28/03/2015

this brought the sp down www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3014309/Entire-country-Sierra-Leone-shut-Three-day-quarantine-begins-desperate-attempt-curb-new-Ebola-cases.html

14:05 22/03/2015

fresh news of ebola www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3006276/Sierra-Leone-s-President-ordered-three-day-lock-forcing-country-s-entire-population-stay-homes-try-stop-spread-deadly-Ebola.html

23:21 04/03/2015

Read cey

22:45 28/01/2015

have an order in but at 5.9 . then I finally might make some back eventually. When the FED run out of ways to spook everyone .

10:23 19/01/2015

Yes time for another punt, these really are bargain basement now.

19:58 15/01/2015

typo thought,

19:58 15/01/2015

Share price, Bloody ell though it said 56.1 def got to go to spec savers !!

19:44 14/01/2015

RE Took a punt. Punts not very stable in rough weather, GP needs to be $100 more before lift off, I fear.

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