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13:12 27/03/2015

can some one tell me,is it possible that SISG will re-call all the employees back,including all the expart workers??

05:06 27/03/2015

If they have plans gain full control and delist the company, they will have do a tender offer to purchase our shares. Keep the faith gents!

05:00 27/03/2015

Bonds, if I'm not wrong the bonds issued for AMI were convertible bonds. They can only be converted to equity and if they don't plan to go that way then they have to wait in line before the main creditors to get their money back. If this rumor that SISG happens to be true, it just shows clear indication that they interest in gaining controlling stake on AMI but once again. It doesn't mean that our shares have been wiped out

03:29 27/03/2015

MY21, nicely said!

10:57 25/03/2015


08:30 25/03/2015

Grant, they are still our shares and they'd likely be traded over the counter. SISG can't take over our ownership just by delisting

15:53 24/03/2015

I think some people are being overly pessimistic. SGIS getting claim on AIM's asset valued at their usd 200 Mn would raised eyebrows everywhere. Do not forget that major reputable funds such as BlackRock also have positions in AIM

11:53 24/03/2015


12:29 23/03/2015

Billy1 - Do you have any further info that you could give us regarding overpriced contracts that may have been awarded to contractors? If needs-be, I can provide you with a private email address it you don't want to discuss it here.

13:29 22/03/2015

I have read through all this discussions and I feel for every stakeholder, involved, everybody was misled by Management from day one I saw people with open cheque books appointing left right and centre appoint contractors to the the cost of million of dollars to bravo plant what a disaster to see the money going down the drain people put on garden leave since November 2014, they are still on garden leave with full pay others terminated how did they get to that surely we won't know for they are silent, don't answer back, we are up against the mafia, we workers are left jobless to to the lack of competency of management
