African Minerals - AMI Stream Log

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11:17 29/12/2014
15:30 28/12/2014

ore is exclusively from LOND, no blend with Tonk ore

10:08 28/12/2014

Victoria Sherwood

10:07 28/12/2014

she knows ; Victoria Sherwood Executive Director & CEO at Timis Mining Corporation Sydney Area, AustraliaMining & Metals Previous Timis Corporation, Pan African Minerals Ltd, Sirius Minerals Plc

08:08 28/12/2014
08:05 28/12/2014

CENTRANS CENTURY is fully loaded , heading Asia , not Europe ,

08:04 28/12/2014

Destination SINGAPORE [SG]

17:57 27/12/2014

Traditional Romanian Christmas foods include Roast Gammon and Pork Chops (made from the killed pig!), 'Ciorba de perisoare' which is a slightly sour vegetable soup made with fermented bran and pork meatballs; 'Sarmale' cabbage leaves stuffed with ground pork and served with polenta; 'Cozonac' a rich fruit bread; Romanian doughnuts called 'gogosi' and cheesecakes

17:56 27/12/2014

Traditional Romanian Christmas foods include Roast Gammon and Pork Chops (made from the killed pig!), 'Ciorba de perisoare' which is a slightly sour vegetable soup made with fermented bran and pork meatballs; 'Sarmale' cabbage leaves stuffed with ground pork and se

13:25 24/12/2014

talks continue between the major shareholders of African Minerals in an effort to resolve the issues that exist between the parties. Meetings have been held and continue to occur aimed at securing a remedy so that operations can restart in the New Year. Unfortunately, I must also advise you that the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone is still a serious concern and stage 4 of the Company's Ebola protocol remains in place. Any restart of operations will require consideration of the protocols to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all employees.