African Minerals - AMI Stream Log

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17:16 05/01/2015

Thanks for info, liu.

17:15 05/01/2015

as far I

17:15 05/01/2015

ore is loaded fast , very fast , Marampa almost empty , they need increase production

17:14 05/01/2015

There was problem with Customs , already sorted out ,

17:13 05/01/2015

100% Timis ore , previous bulks shipped China . npt Singapore , next ones going Europe , Ertsoverslagbedrijf Europoort C.V

18:51 04/01/2015

FT , is busy with his LOND ore , but is small scale , btw , they doing well , few previous ships sailed China , next ones heading Europe(EECV in the Europoort)

18:46 04/01/2015

must be soon , very soon , around 500 expat at home , few thousand locals , who is gonna pay them ? AML cant stay so long on C&M,

18:44 04/01/2015

Gaggingforit 18:42 News Is this week realistic or will the agony last longer?

23:11 03/01/2015

Personally I wouldn't attach too much significance to the Xmas bonus payment; as was announced in the last RNS, LOND is paying AML $475k per month in employees' wages and a $100k fee per month for use of their railway and rolling stock. The bonus could easily come from that source. It is encouraging though, that the parties are still talking, even if we cannot say for sure whether they have agreed or signed anything over the weekend.

13:00 03/01/2015

Dear fellow staff members, I am pleased to announce that the company is now in a position to pay the additional 7% of your annual leave allowance payment over and above the 5% already paid in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, with immediate effect. This should be in your bank accounts within the next five (5) working days. The company wishes you a very prosperous New Year.