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13:35 11/01/2015

rshah 09:34 Liu whats the latest in SL?,,,,,,,,,,,, we are loading Ft Lond ore , as you know its small scale , only 6-7 million a year , current Port capacity around 20 /25 millions , everything perfect on Timis Corporation side , few cargo trains a day , (less now , because all stock in LOND are emptied , so depends on productions over there ) anyway like said on Timis Corporation side seems perfect

21:16 10/01/2015


14:44 10/01/2015

Alan W, was traveling to SL often , when became CEO second time , never visited SL again, FT , there was rumors that he visited SL November , but , onl rumors , he wasn't on AML site, for sure

08:19 10/01/2015

krb article dated today I do hope its not that irrelevant and some news has reached these firm. I understand FT, AW will be in SL this weekend to make an announcemen,,,,,,,,,,, don't think so , Alan since he became CEO never been in Sierra Leone , because after visited Ebola countries he wont gt Chinese visa , same FT , its fact

21:16 09/01/2015
21:16 09/01/2015

Total: 9,990 clinical cases as of 8 January Confirmed: 7,696 | Probable: 287 | Suspected: 2,007 Deaths: 2,996 (2,630 confirmed) (Source: Ministry of Health 8 January)

21:16 09/01/2015

Sierra Leone

20:56 09/01/2015

back to normal , means start operating mine , port on full speed 25 M/ year plus 6M Timis ore

20:55 09/01/2015

have no idea, will ask , then let you know , I am one of you lost small 15 k , B want it back

20:49 09/01/2015

well , what heard from Big Guys , that we back to normal , with Chinese on our back , plenty Chinese ,