African Minerals - AMI Stream Log

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18:55 12/01/2015

i never believed you were a liar,

18:55 12/01/2015

see , noone is in port , mine , all key people in London

18:54 12/01/2015

agree again, but if you have any contacts there ask them what the problem is ??

18:54 12/01/2015

that what I said few days ago , everyone heard that we will start soon , I'm not a liar

18:53 12/01/2015

liu , the 12m belongs to the project not to the chinese

18:53 12/01/2015

deal takes time , otherwise we where on admin December

18:53 12/01/2015

i agree liu but am asking if anybody there near the mine has heard there any indication that things are improving

18:52 12/01/2015

they don't need , belongs to them ,

18:52 12/01/2015

why Chinese release 12 M usd?

18:51 12/01/2015

Why AMI keep all workers on payroll ?