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18:52 13/01/2015

Update on temporary shutdown 31/12/2014 , All employees got these update 2 weeks ago, from BOD

16:53 13/01/2015

Update on temporary shutdown 31/12/2014 ....Further to my last update just before Christmas, I would just like to confirm with you that funds for the December salaries have now been transferred as planned. Unfortunately, due to the New Year’s public holiday, it may take a day or two longer than usual for funds to be posted into individual accounts.

16:35 13/01/2015

This $13 million was released at the end of december according to internal emails.

08:11 13/01/2015

Timis Mining. I read somewhere that the stockpile at London Mining (Timis Corp) is now finished and shipped. Does anyone know how big that stockpile was?........................when Timis Corp . bought LOND, there was 0.5 Million t ready for shipment ,

18:59 12/01/2015

wlll take care myself

18:58 12/01/2015

no way , Tonk ore is rubisch , only Timis ore goes Rotterdam

18:58 12/01/2015

ok thanks y cuidate

18:57 12/01/2015

so if will hear something will post , for now its quiet

18:57 12/01/2015

oh ok; will it be hard to operate with iron ore prices so low??any chance they send more of tonkolili ore to Europe??

18:57 12/01/2015

whatever I heard m post , shouldn't , is confident anyway , but i lost my small 15K