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17:26 23/01/2015

(Reuters) - Sierra Leone's President Ernest Bai Koroma on Thursday removed Ebola district quarantine measures intended to curb the spread of the disease, declaring "victory is in sight" after a sharp drop in transmission...........................send it to AW, FT they can't use ebola as excuse any more .

17:25 23/01/2015
12:13 23/01/2015

looking for good lawyer, , since AMI mine is C&M , for employees everything became funny , they told us we can't work , just wait , our contract are not terminated , not sure about salary etc , any help?

20:56 22/01/2015

only Marampa ore , for now

20:56 22/01/2015

Hi Liu Does that mean our production is starting in feb or is this a continuation of marampa? Thanks..........our ore ? not yet, they still talk , talk , lack of fuc....g pen to sign deal?

19:10 22/01/2015

Chalkminer Marampa ore is being mined and Piltick your right they are probably struggling to load the next vessel.............................only in load , ore is coming from Marampa , no activity for out load , will start again early February ,

16:02 21/01/2015

4u, absolutely not.Spoke with the guy and he told me that they were still in.Malheureusement/ unfortunately.People make mistakes and in this case we have had an incredible run of events go against us but despite all that we still own the majority of the rail and port and the mine.Massive assets , if we can just get some juice in the tank.

15:02 21/01/2015

4u, Alan spoke with BT on Monday and told him he was heading to HK tomorrow for further negotiations.They had a decent chat and Alan answered what he could.Better plan for us might be to call Northcroft, I have been looking for their number either in Geneva or Panama.Still not found it

00:55 21/01/2015

Alan is respected by one and all.

00:54 21/01/2015