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19:18 26/01/2015

he didn't mentioned names , just it was his point of view ,

19:17 26/01/2015

anyway , Iagree with that one who posted about corruption,

19:16 26/01/2015

tried post something as Liu1 , couldn't , because Your account has been suspended

11:33 26/01/2015

no word from slnomad or drone in months...

10:52 26/01/2015

resign , started new job , can't afford waiting , need stability , don't know they will pay January wages , , unless SISG let them take few millions frm HK account , (sure they will chop half of it for them self )

20:43 25/01/2015

same , liu

12:56 25/01/2015

liu, nothing to report?

15:46 24/01/2015
20:44 23/01/2015

Gazza it is a bad time to be selling a stake in an iron ore mine..the key thing is that the GOSL have insisted the mines stay running and that is why FT got Marampa(bribes included as well i am sure)then after that it is a question of whose interests are best served.SISG will not lose I think and Timis Corp neither..the best would be if SISG dropped their share in the project for a big chunk of AML and then agreed to send all the ore to Europe if possible till IO price rises , the savings on 26mtpa on freight alone is about $300 million

20:03 23/01/2015

4unme, they don't give a fu,,,,,,,,,,,,k about people , as long they got huge salary , nice hotels , first class flight , why they should care