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12:11 30/01/2015

4u , to me it makes no sense unless the chinese and ft can win.In that scenario they most likely would not.GOSL does not have the money to run the mine etc.The last two emails from alan and bangura do not point to admin or nationalisation.I only pray that we are going to get a good deal.

09:51 30/01/2015

all news I got passed here , updates , memo , AW info , Gibril info yesterday, have to wait now , get my small 15k back asap, Started new job , need to go , if there will be any news will let you know , thanks

06:53 30/01/2015

mean those who rule AML in Sierra Leone , Gibril and his team, want absolute power, own managers , own people in mine, and port etc etc, seams like some kind of nationalize

06:50 30/01/2015

Guys , what I know , is those in power now in SL (

22:16 29/01/2015

+232 76 713 688 kweku lisk [email protected]

21:44 29/01/2015
21:27 29/01/2015

i agree liu, seems you were right

21:25 29/01/2015

Bngura , forwarded emails to Chinese , AW only to AML staff

21:22 29/01/2015

post said its about POWER look my previous post

21:22 29/01/2015

told you folks , ask even question who GB , AW or LIU , you thought it was a joke and so you laughed