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11:59 02/02/2015

liu , keep your eyes open for Indians on the ground

11:48 02/02/2015

Timis need rail , Marampa is his own business, GoSL own only 10% rail and port , that is the reason FT push Gibril Bangura to be front man, in case third party will buy TIO and AML , GoSL can allways nationalize rail , and give acces for new TIO owner and Timis as well , ,,, Masterpiece

20:39 01/02/2015

thanks liu

20:23 01/02/2015

we will see, he is making choice , mean GB, what i know and already told , he is Boss now , so I'm sure they will be changes in Senior level

20:14 01/02/2015

liu, you mean he cannot rely on AW or on AW's people??

19:36 01/02/2015

liu, anything to report??How is your new job going?

11:30 01/02/2015

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07:57 01/02/2015

Shares in the company have dropped over 90% over the past year, and BC Iron is expecting that continued weakness in oil prices and the Australian dollar helps it preserve margins

07:56 01/02/2015
07:56 01/02/2015

Gretelle 079 Market value Sorry to burst your bubble on what the fair market value is, but at current iron ore prices it's Zero. The mine is uneconomical at current prices and will lose money even after the huge upfront investment that is needed. What would you pay for an asset that is going to cost you money to own? Nothing. It only has a value if you think IO price is going back over $90 (a realistic break even price), no-one is forecasting that and no-one would base an acquisition business case on an optimistic return to these prices. That IMO is why Glencore etc aren't involved (who could outbid SSIG should they wish), it's simply because they aren't interested and certainly IMO wouldn't pay anything that would leave shareholders with anything after settling the debt..