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21:18 12/02/2015

ambitious man , rich enough, want to be politician , so need keep sierraleonians side , not much work in Marampa , staff laid off, same in african minerals ,

21:14 12/02/2015

liu, i am surprised that bangura could not help timis

21:07 12/02/2015

, no regulation, no transparency, nothing

21:05 12/02/2015

Chineese without GoSL can't keep asset in hand , no one , we are talking about 3td wORLD, LESS THINK

21:04 12/02/2015

Problem is, no one seems to know for sure who is corrupt, and who isn't.

20:54 12/02/2015

meantime Chineese put claims against AMI, , so nothing will left for sharesholders ,btw , can't blame Chineese , ami management , fu,,ked us totally ,

20:50 12/02/2015

if Timis is loosing rail , means Chineese andGoSL agree deal , that they so calm for now

20:49 12/02/2015

Seemed like Bangura was front man cover Timis asset , but now story became clear , Chinese working with Bangura (GoSL),

20:47 12/02/2015

then Bangura replied next day Following yesterday’s email from Alan Watling, I thought it necessary to clarify the delegations of authority that apply for the Operating Entities approved by the Operating Entities’ Board 1. All business related to the project companies should be decided by the project company board and not the AML board (Board decision 19 June 2014

20:46 12/02/2015

look Watling sent email where highlighted It applies equally at AML level and Operating Company level (TIOSL and ARPSSL), because AML is the 75% shareholder in these companies. My approval is in addition to any normal management process and approval. Regards, Alan Watling CEO