Centamin Egypt

Centamin Egypt - CEY Stream Log

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16:23 21/03/2014

If you say so...

16:19 21/03/2014

Never gone down before either. Well, almost never. Results are pretty much baked in, I would have thought.

16:17 21/03/2014

Recall what happened in previous court appearances. Price shot up pre-court date only to plummet back. Now we have the reverse? Maybe...

16:16 21/03/2014

....but might go up next wekk

16:14 21/03/2014

Its gone down.

22:51 20/03/2014

Totally agree , sinner an spot, this is about to go into orbit,

16:42 20/03/2014

Hope, it should be ok, depending on the result of the cc...

17:02 19/03/2014

i'm watching closely though cause i see a re-rating if they can pull off the new contracts! anyway

17:02 19/03/2014


17:01 19/03/2014
