Talvivaara Mining Company - TALV Stream Log

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11:38 30/04/2014

back in.....

07:29 30/04/2014

results are history its the future that counts here.. the announcement that says that licences have been granted for its 'whole operation' is the most significant statement in my mind. without that or issues around it no financing no company no holiday for me this year, or next or the year after.

07:21 30/04/2014

morning all. without goig thru the whole thing working out facts and figs many of which i dont understand i would say that overall its positive, lets not forget its not filed for bankruptcy today which so easily could have happened

11:35 27/04/2014

RE: SK79. that said it might as well be

11:34 27/04/2014

Hi all just to clarify TALV isnt on AIM its FTSE 350.

21:05 26/04/2014

English version :Hi Liquid yes just read that too. I have read many many articles about TALV in this publication and they always and I mean always put on a very negative spin. By the way the articles are written there must be some history here between the 2, I know there hasnt been anything very positive to mention however IMO if TALV were to turn every issue around, give 5000 people a new job and make fInland millions without a single enviromental issue they would still find something to say to put TALV down. You can probably tell I do not like YLE at all but yes iam biased.

10:26 25/04/2014

like the way this has inched its way back nice and smoothly

10:26 25/04/2014

like the way this has inched its way back nice and smotthly

07:20 25/04/2014

SK79 morning, been in here for over 18 mths now and following like a hawk. agree with all your comments.. would sur elike to know what spiked the SP so dramatically though and with volumes on nasdaq through the roof in comparison. rumours maay be but i doubt it .. this is finland after all!

15:50 24/04/2014

Eire27..for a minute wealth i though you were going to mention my market busting 12147 shs but well said anyhow, im with you here
