Victoria Oil & Gas - VOG Stream Log

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21:35 26/05/2015

RNS, very soon. Over 18 scuffs achieved, and rising!

23:22 22/05/2015

I'm sure Foo and President Biya will sort the licence out to their mutual satisfaction.

17:55 22/05/2015

If only Foo would go!

17:00 22/05/2015

Edna keep up with your comments as I find them amusing more so than the perpetual drivel we keep looking at. It makes you wonder if some of the suscibers understands the rules of good investing?

14:30 21/05/2015

Anyone that understands market movers will have realised that VOG will continue to trade in the present range until the future earnings picture becomes clearer. In addition the market needs visability for the next five years to consider VOG as a growth prospect and only then the shares will reflect their true value and not before.

16:40 07/05/2015

Strap in, nearly there, shot hit news imminent, exponential rise in share value over due

20:54 05/05/2015

Doing well, selling on any +3% rise, buying back on the retrace next day.

19:10 04/05/2015

Foo's told porkies numerous times yet the fools still believe and idolise him.

12:46 04/05/2015

He seemed somewhat hesitant on some of his statements, could he still be overstating the company's financial standing and future prospects ?

07:12 04/05/2015

Lots of jam tomorrow, thanks Jim.