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15:22 23/05/2018

We been going down the tubes for over a year now!

19:29 14/05/2018

Evening Breezy, I had no idea RKH would take off as quickly as they did 75% in one month. I made a few grand and plumped for AFC at 11p but it's flatlining big time at the moment. I put another £1k in AFC and JLP today £500 in each on the little dip. I am at breakeven on both and frustrated that JLP isn't on the rise. These small AIM company shares really are a gamble. Wishing you well my friend. idg69

18:36 14/05/2018

Hi idg69 good to see you are still in jlp. Just had a luck at RKH and they have gone up quite a bit. Bet you are gutted you sold to early. Been waiting over two years for JLP to come good and like you i am sick on waiting around.Are you still in AFC . Good luck my friend with all your investments.

12:24 14/05/2018

Looks like I sold RKH way too soon - what a numpty I am. God I hope JLP come good at some point in the future. I'm fed up of waiting around.

15:38 04/05/2018

Thanks Weeble and Kalan, solid posts as usual..... Enjoy the weekend

07:11 02/05/2018

RNS out

08:25 27/04/2018

DDD well said, shareholder value is now long overdue

07:26 26/04/2018

Totally agree ATA, you can rehash the numbers till you blue in the face and argue to and fro about the upside potential but ultimately business is about proving sustainable net profits. The world is inundated with "jam tomorrow" thumbsucks

10:45 24/04/2018

...and the disappointment continues year after year. I accept LC is doing all he can to get this company out of the doldrums but he can't do it all alone. Why don't they get some hired help in a professional capacity and get this rolling. CB is the weak link in the chain from an outside investors perspective and needs to step down. Bring in a respected Chairman who the markets will sit up and listen to.

16:31 23/04/2018

The market is on to CB and LC.......