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13:05 02/08/2016


13:05 02/08/2016

moving back up

12:49 02/08/2016

all sounds very very positive

14:08 27/07/2016

i would not let these go - plenty left in the tanks

11:19 27/06/2016

"This is a very significant capital cost reduction and clearly good news for Sirius shareholders, although $2.91b is still a massive funding requirement for a company of Sirius' size. Management hopes that by splitting the capex into two stages the quantum is somehow reduced, but the fact is, it needs $2.91bn of funding to get the mine to profitability in year 7. That said management is planning to fund Stage 1 with 50% equity and 50% junior debt plus other instruments (e.g. royalty), and to fund Stage 2 with 100% senior debt. So splitting the funding into 2 parts is a valid approach, at least with regards its negotiations with potential funders. As things currently stand, 50% of $1.09bn is c £0.39bn (1.4 GBP:USD), not far off Sirius' current market value, but not an impossible feat. Management can reasonably argue that with an NPV10 of $15.3bn (£11.0bn) and EBITDA in year 9 of $1.8bn, £0.39bn for 50% of the company is a very attractive investment." Beaufort note out this morning on research tree

13:10 14/06/2016

watch JLP... about to move up with huge platinum assets

12:02 08/06/2016

SP Angel's note out this morning: "Sirius Minerals reports that it has “entered into a new take-or-pay agreement ... with Yunnan Dian Huang Peony Industrial Group” (Dian Huang) The agreement will cover a “period of ten years from first production, ramping up to one million tonnes per annum over the first six years of the contract”. Pricing will remain confidential, however the Company advises that... Sirius Minerals continues to expand and develop market acceptance of the polyhalite product. The restructuring of the offtake agreements with Dian Huang and TCT provides a longer tenure to the agreement and hence adds an improved level of “confidence to both parties moving forward". Scraped this from Research Tree

11:33 03/06/2016

"The aforementioned selection of contractors for the North Yorkshire polyhalite project is a positive development for Sirius. The company plans to work with its partners for successfully implementing the Project. Last month, Sirius informed of expansion of probable ore reserve at the Project which reaffirms the outstanding nature of the deposit. The expansion comes even as the reserve was touted as the world's largest and highest quality polyhalite reserve. Moreover, the economic viability of exploiting this asset has been confirmed by the DFS. Contrasting with many other junior exploration/development minors, Sirius has continued to deliver both operationally (drilling, marketing/offtake, feasibility studies and permitting) and through shareholder value." Beaufort's note from this morning on Research Tree

16:04 13/04/2016

Boulby potash mine workers injured in fire below sea bed. [link]

14:47 08/04/2016

glass ceiling hit
