17 Jan 2014 14:34
Price at rating: 0.39, now: 
Caracal Energy (CRCL) - Giant Bitanda - Mercom Oil Sands (MMO)r 17/01/2014r [link] Caracal Energy - Giant Bitandar We first looked at Chad-focused Caracal Energy (CRCL) in the September, ahead of results from the Krim-1 exploration well just south of the company’s producing Mangara field. That well ended up striking black gold, flowing at a maximum rate of 2,580 barrels of oil per day (bopd) during testing.r Still, the Krim well could merely be a drop in the bucket if the upcoming Bitanda-1 well is successful. The Bitanda prospect is a four-way dip closure structure very near the producing Badila field. Whereas Krim had pre-drill expectations of between 29m and 64m barrels of oil, Bitanda could contain anywhere from 142m barrels (median estimate) to 648m barrels (P10 estimate), with the P50, or average, estimate a whopping 277m barrels. According to analysts at broker First Energy, the well could be “company making†if successful; they ascribe a risked valuation of 93p a share to the prospect, rising to 648p unrisked. That’s because success at Bitanda could unlock “a number of similar prospects across the southern edge of the Doseo-Borogop regionâ€, nearby Caracal’s producing Badila field. Bitanda is just 19 kilometers from Badila and a pipeline connection.r We now are hearing rumours that Mercom Oil Sands ( MMO )also a junior oiler on the aim market has struck a Deal to take a 40% interest in Bitanda prior to the drill outcome some might think this is a gamble but if the drill bit hits the mark we can expect a major interest from other bigger players.r Northland Capital who now are Mercoms Adviser are rumoured to be already doing the rounds ahead of the well result we await the outcome with great interest.r r VIEW: Bitanda could seriously move the dial for Caracal and we upgrade the shares to a ‘trading buy’ at 460p ahead of preliminary drilling results. The company began drilling the well on 5 December and it is expected to take 32 days, so investors can expect an announcement in early or mid-January. We note, however, that while we think east Africa has great potential as a new oil destination.
Score: 100.00