06 Jan 2015 23:27
Price at rating: 12.25, now:
Well the rain has hit S.A. and Eskom has trouble with the power, so how do Crnd play there next move? Do they say they have had an offer but it is to low just to get more peole excited? Well the mines are filling up more, the cradle which the pumps hang from are not working and cannot support the pumps, this is why they are on reduced pumping, not even keeping up with the inflow. Don't research then you don't know do you, still beggars the question who and why would someone buy a mine you cannot mine for many years from now, also all the new rules about the mining companies now much more liable for all the damage done, go figure out who would buy this?? It's not a gamble here, it's a total car crash in the biggest sense, ATB
Score: 88.75