Greka (Di) - Do you think GDL will be awarded further drills in India?

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Do you think GDL will be awarded further drills in India?

Asked by BuyBAO on 23 Sep 2014

Relates to Greka (Di), Oil Equipment & Services

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sandgrounder on 29 Sep 2014 at 13:07:14


ste6111 on 28 Sep 2014 at 13:49:29

"Yes. When they have shown how good their tech is to ESSAR i think they will be awarded further drills, of which there are 100s!"

BuyBAO on 27 Sep 2014 at 17:10:31

When they have shown how good their tech is to ESSAR i think they will be awarded further drills, of which there are 100s!
