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RTG BOWOOD 18 Nov 2014

Offer An offer of £7.3m on its way; anyone heard that?

HLMA Yertiz 18 Nov 2014

Re: 35th year in a row increased divi 5% or ... A real diamond. Apart from Ashtead, my best performing share over the last 2 - 3 years.

UEN BuyBAO 18 Nov 2014

I just gave UEN a BUY rating: ADRA dismissed by 2nd Court of Appeal in Moscowr r The Board of Urals Energy (AIM: UEN), the independent exploration and production company with operations in Russia, announces that it has received notification from the Moscow Court of Cassation (the 2nd level appeal court in Moscow) that the Company has won its case concerning Urals Energy's appeal against the ruling of the 1st level appeal court in Moscow to grant Russian court jurisdiction in respect of the claim by UEN Cyprus Limited to recover the sum of US$41,652,000 from Urals Energy (the "ADRA"). Further details of the ADRA have been announced previously, including on 23 July 2014.r r Urals Energy is also pleased to announce that it is in advanced discussions in relation to the withdrawal of all litigation between the Company and Mr. Viatcheslav Rovneiko and further announcements will be made at the appropriate time.. Will I be right? [link]

STG More4us 18 Nov 2014

STG ISDX 18/11/2014 08:22 GBX/ISDX-exn New 513,709 0.31 18/11/2014 084 GBX/ISDX-exn New 964,677 0.31

BBY Field Marshall Lodl 18 Nov 2014

I don't care... if the order book loses 30% of orders, so long as what they do tender for and win is profitably priced.

UEN BuyBAO 18 Nov 2014

gm prost

UEN BuyBAO 18 Nov 2014

SMDR one4all 18 Nov 2014

sona paying £170mill markt cap £233mill so all the rest of SMDRs assets are only worth £60mill reflected in share price ?? don't think so . how much is the other 60% of Bula' worth then if 40% is worth £170mill.DO the math.... then take off the debt. still clearance of £200millBUY

HLMA survived2crashes 18 Nov 2014

35th year in a row increased divi 5% or more!!! The market likes them I like them !!!

SMDR one4all 18 Nov 2014

bought more, its dirt cheap will be taken out will move back above 110p just have patience

EMED davegrace 18 Nov 2014


SMDR Noddy 18 Nov 2014

I don't trust the BOD after this so I'm out with a modest loss. Unless OPHR cough up sharpish I see this heading back to recent lows and further given the significant drop in the oil price over the period. GLA

AGQ Noddy 18 Nov 2014

If the metals have a decent rally this will be one of the best performers on the market.

LLOY Snyder 18 Nov 2014

clip clop clip the old nag starting to trot?

HTIG SalopTractor 18 Nov 2014

I just gave HTIG a BUY rating: Seller gone, MCAP £450,000, tendering for multiple contracts, insurance payout in 2014.. Will I be right? [link]