6.4 also
6/4 to buy
mtv time
Re: Peter Landau Copied from a post on AGQ todayAnother silver producer collapsesMining NewsPremium.net, 18 Nov. 2014, Kristie BattenAlcyone Resources has collapsed into receivership after attempts to obtain funding failed. Grant Sparks, Michael Owen and Simon Theobald of PPB Advisory were appointed as joint receivers of the company and its operating subsidiary. We are currently working with management and the board to determine the future of the companies, Theobald said. Alcyone had been working on obtaining funding its Texas silver project for almost a year. In March, the company was thrown into turmoil when a $A25 million funding deal was withdrawn by global hedge fund Platinum Partners. The same deal would have seen Alcyone secure the Red Hill gold and silver mine in the United States and further diversify by taking a $3 million stake in ASX-listed silver hopeful Black Mountain Resources.
Re: Gold on the move back up I can see this steadily rise as we approach the Swiss vote.
Re: Gold on the move back up added another 450k shares
free smoothies!!!! Asian Citrus acquired Lunar Capital-backed BPG Food & Beverages for $257.8 million, market allocates ZERO value to this business unit, I would agree that they paid to much for it in the past but it isnt worthless and its a nice complement to their plantation business of more than 4.6 million citrus treescash rich 250 million US$, free 4.6 million citrus trees and a smoothie business bought for more than 250 million US$ also for free dp your home work imo
production Based on the latest rns. 20% of 286 = 57.2 BOEPD September saw 2511 barrels = 83.7 bopd So production increase is potentially up 68% with this new well...or has all this time its been flowing back screwed up the monthly production figures.
Steady increase to 144p in sp, before any general Christmas rally in the FTSE.I'm now up 10% so no complaints. A strong hold until the new year.
something has leaked WOW....!!!!!!!!!!!
WE HAVE GOLD video out today [link] very expensive gold as well.Can feel a multibagger coming up form these lows!!!!!
Re: newsletter to shareholders What is in it for us? I have just put my shares up for sale through JP Jenkins.
gold, nickle and oranges o/t #achl asian citrus holding at 9p imo
Re: 80 to go in Kcom I can't read that article without registering. Any chance of an overview of what's going on?
Peak at 7? So it peaked at just over 7p a share.... Can we expect anymore from this ? Not personally expecting to see 12p but could it reach 8-10p by close of play?
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