Re: poor performance - really.. Also heard on radio that Cameroon and Ossie are now distancing themselves from the stance they previously took - that they are totally responsible for the current financial performance of UK Ltd. Typical! Politicians are always willing to take credit when things are going well but when the reverse happens it's always "factors outside my control" that are to blame. They can't have it both ways!
RNS Interesting RNS and decent volume today also.
Re: poor performance - really.. I stand by my conclusion. Heard on the radio this morning that there are now doubts about Mr Hester's performance at RBS. Perhaps that's why he can't turn this sucker round.
Re: Haworth RTO Yes, but any idea what it will do for share price?
Micheal Walters Recent positive article on the MW site may have brought out the buyers today.
Re: Peak at 7? Buy just gomne through for £31k (500,000 shares!)
Bought at 6, needed the cash and sold out at 4. Just got some funds so put some more in, so knowing my luck it'll fall back to 10. So I'd advise everyone to sell now and take their profits...
Institutional Holders % Shares Owned: 80.28% # of Holders: 42 Total Shares Held: 399,332,501 3 Mo. Net Change: -12,532,283 # New Positions: 3 # Closed Positions: 0 # Increased Positions: 8 # Reduced Positions: 6 # Net Buyers: 2 Most amount off Institutions involved than any other AIM stock I know, hmm....
I reckon this will settle back around 16, nobody knows why it went up to 20.
Re: todays rise A capital raising of £1.5m at 1.3p.
Was going to buy some at 17 before I went to lunch, come back and it's over 20.
Re: Where is this going? In the last 24 months - 46 investments of which 32 are up and 7 down plus one exit at +85%. All in all up 38%. All based on fundamentals. Invested in Oxford a £11.13 last week so happy so far.
Re: Peter Landau Since the Alcyone deal was annouced in March 2014, the BMR BOD have continued to draw their salaries only for Alcyonce to now annouce they have appointed receivers.It would seem unlikely now that Alcyone will be able to provide BMR with A$3 million financing.Given Peter Landau has failed to raise funding for BMR what's now in store for BMR shareholders?Director Renumeration is on the agenda at the AGM next week.Has Peter and other directors performed and delivered on any of their promises or is this another example of Australian directors lining their pockets at the expense of UK Private Investors? You decide.No position. DYOR and beware.
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