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MTV fish lips 18 Nov 2014

Re: Something is happening [link] is live could be that which has driven some interest

FJET CUJimmy 18 Nov 2014

I just gave FJET a PANIC rating: Cobblers.. Will I be right? [link]

TYM Otter2 18 Nov 2014

Re: Next Update One or two encouraging buys this afternoon. As you say, maybe something stirring.

CRA Larry_the_Lock 18 Nov 2014

Re: A glimmer of hope A glimmer ? A great, million candle power beam of light, showing the way forwards, onwards and upwards Corac !

HAYT Larry_the_Lock 18 Nov 2014

Share Price Over 4 times as many sells as buys today yet price has still held up , any ideas anyone ?

BQE vekta 18 Nov 2014

Re: More info Sage, it's an independant company with one main site where they design, manufacture and market their systems. They also have sales and support centres around the world.Can't believe the sp is falling to these levels with the Ebola crisis still very threatening! Hopefully we will hear some good news in the forthcoming briefing.Vekta

KIBO womble 18 Nov 2014

16:58 RE: all buys; 2 steps forward one back at the moment but closed 1.70 on the ask

FAM oliversydney 18 Nov 2014

Large buys Interesting that for yesterday and today large after hours buys of £88000 and £96000 at full offer price of 3.24. Is someone in the know or stakebuilding

SHB Hardboy 18 Nov 2014

Re: Year end Obviously I'm pleased with the recent price surge, and British Land's results may explain today's continued strength; but I've followed SHB since the darkest days of 2008, and I don't recall them having such a prolonged strong run over so many days; and the current market sentiment is hardly strong on property, with talk of housing bubbles, the strong pound deterring foreign investors etc. so I am a little surprised and am trying to understand what is driving it. I've never quite got my head round valuing Property Shares, as the value of the company is more about its assets than its profits, so I'm not too sure how significant a low PE is, but it is obviously not a bad thing.

BKSA Gold or Silver 18 Nov 2014

AG Capital is the largest Balkan holding company investing in businesses related to real estate. The holding is major shareholder in companies from the sectors:Residential property brokerage;Financial services related to real estate – mortgage brokerage, appraisals, mortgage financing;Insurances;Asset managementDevelopmentMost of these companies rank among the top three in their respective business segment.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- BLD Asset ManagementBLD Asset Management actively manages more than 100 million EUR in real estate assets.The Company is focused to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the investors. Its highly professional team is part of the success of its 3-P: Philosophy, Process and People. BLD Asset Management tracks the market dynamics and the interaction effects.The company is in charge of various property portfolios for clients such as:Bank institutionsInvestor groups and holdingsIndividual wealth investors---------- ---------- -------The soup thickens .Nice to see such heavy trading today .Good luck all & Sundry

MSMN Bazil_Brush 18 Nov 2014

14.42% rise today.... ....and no news release as yet? Anyone have any thing they want to share B_B feeling curious

FENR Hardboy 18 Nov 2014

Re: Today "Ludicrous that a broker note telling us nothing more than we already know should wipe another 7% off an already depressed share price."Especially when it was already below their target price.

STG ybhere 18 Nov 2014

Re: stg Newapple, Could you copy & paste please.YB

WRL coldascheese 18 Nov 2014

Re: IC TIP could be £1.25 if all comes... Could be worth £1.25 p-we will know soonWorking with partner Anadarko Petroleum, it’s hoped that Tembo alone could contain 255m barrels of oil-equivalent. Analysts at broker Investec Securities estimate that could be worth as much as 58p a share, although the exploration well that’s being drilled there has suffered equipment-related delays. Adding in the value ascribed by Investec to Kifaru and the broker reckons the two projects combined could be worth 80p a share – almost twice as much as the company’s current 45p share price. However, with the broker also attributing 15 per cent and 14 per cent chances of success at Tembo and Kifaru, respectively, then it’s clearly a risky punt.

UEN BuyBAO 18 Nov 2014

yeah i think UEN will gap up also