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UEN rapid ranger 18 Nov 2014

Re: Adler's game plan S

HSP lambrini girl 18 Nov 2014

Re: sp stability bank any profits..reverse play..SELL..

STG guru310 18 Nov 2014

Re: stg Now that there is some evidence of gold activity the SP should see a substantial rise on official confirmation. expectations of beating previous highs are reasonable. 1.8 million in the bank, gold activity on, moderate discovery on HH and more news due within weeks on the Kimmerdige.Very strong buy recommendation

LEK foxx1977 18 Nov 2014

Re: very quiet here I'm buying as many as I can. Just keen on some news flow.I see they lost out on their bid for OML25 (went for $500mm so you can see what league they're trying to play in). The government has since stopped the sale and taken up their right of first refusal - they're gonna still need a partner though right - so perhaps theres still a deal to be done.The recent CPR on Otakikpo talked about drilling early 2015, so whilst cautious maybe we'll see some production H1 2015?Who knows. Can't believe we're in the mid 30s and to be honest there's every chance we will see 20s. If we do, I will be backing the truck up.

AVV lambrini girl 18 Nov 2014

Re: Loss overdone >>>>The markets are currently being driven by fear at the moment (though not of anything we haven't known about for some time) - fear of rising interest rates, fear of the Eurozone economy, fear of Hong Kong imploding into turmoil, fear of Russian/European sanctions hurting the world economy, fear of the Middle East exploding, fear of ebola contaminating the world. <<<WOW!!...Im glad I dont watch/read the news!!!...I wasnt aware of any fear in the markets..I wonder wot happened to make the US markets hit new Highs..have all these issues been resolved??of course I ses..there was never any fear..its just the machines bouncing off pivots...

ICP Callun 18 Nov 2014

Re: Going nicely... 5 year return may be good but we are still 50-60p down on this date last year which more than wipes out the divi.I'm still holding, and pleased with the rise over the last week, but would have done better by selling last year. There have been much lower entry points during the year.

CGNR RickFlare 18 Nov 2014

Is this a worthwhile investment? I'm looking to invest in a mining company with a decent chance of success but I can't seem to find good solid info on the website. When is the Clontibret project due to start?

CGNR RickFlare 18 Nov 2014


BQE sage in the hills 18 Nov 2014

Re: More info ok, thanks Vecta, agreed. When is the briefing ?SAGE

SMDR jezzneyhawks 18 Nov 2014

Re: sona paying £170mill markt cap... Does anyone have a balanced view here? We have cash coming in for the Bula fields? What are the rest of the assets actually worth and do we know who the large institutional shareholder are that are left in because they will decide the fate of SMDR? I think 120p seems realistic but disappointing for long term holders. Any sensible views out there?!!?

GDL GiveMeTheFacts 18 Nov 2014

Re: RNS - Finance arrives for GDG - Dril... A rapid part-recovery. Hopefully more to go. Definitely worth more next year, but what is today's value. Difficult to say. Sadly, a characteristic of AIM activity, (but to our benefit) - any imminent RNS announcements on India progress; the GDG drilling program; or contracts, could further promote the cranking up of the share price.Would have preferred nice steady even progress continuing until fair price is attained next year. Peaks and troughs always an AIM nightmare.

UTG Maddoxx 18 Nov 2014

Investors Chronicle have tipped Unite as a Buy at 434p Hi Guys,[link] analysis and comment is very much in line with the posts in this thread and its a very good summary. The IC format requires that a few bear-points are included and for the record they are:>> A modest dividend yield below 2%; and>> A political risk regarding student numbers.Well, yes the yield on purchase is not attractive but as Jonas Crossland, the article's author, states this should change:"The dividend yield is rather modest, forecast to be less than 2 per cent in 2015. However, it's twice covered by after-tax earnings, and Unite expects to double earnings per share in the four years to 2018, so there could be plenty of scope for an improved payout."And the political risk on student numbers? He's scraping the barrel to find that one. I can't see any party or coalition seeing political advantage in stifling students' wish to study for a degree. Education is one of our more successful export industries.Regards, Maddox

GDL piller2post 18 Nov 2014

Re: RNS - Finance arrives for GDG - Dril... Yay back in the black, now just need the rest of my portfolio to do the same.

CRX up protherics 18 Nov 2014

Re: Director Purchase From my point of view it wasn't the fact that I did not pick up the assay difflculties from the half yearly statement. It was more to do with the timing of the trading statement so soon after the half yearly update.The previous trading statement was issued in January of this year just before the finals. I am sure you can tell that i have become very sceptical of things lately..To me it just looked like an unnesesary update after the half year report as nothing new was added. It was if they wanted to make sure that this bad news was highlighted again.. One can only summise, but it appears to me that they want to keep the price as low as possible.Remenber what happened last year when the price hit 12 pence only to be dessimated my a trading statement highlighting the negativity of the convertables.

ABG arborman 18 Nov 2014

Re: Name Change? Doesn't seem to be doing the sp any harm mind, recent rise can't be all on the back of the price of gold surely.....Where do people see coming resistance? 260?