Shells tax win in India Lets hope "Royal Dutch Shell has won a significant victory in its long-running $3 billion battle with Indias revenue authorities, in a judgment with implications for dozens of tax disputes involving multinational companies in Asias third-largest economy. "
Launch news? Could we be getting granite launch news soon real Christmas sales or another false dawn .watch this space.Welloiled1
Re: Something is happening Looks at volume and price today .gaining alot of momentum I am now less than 40% down Come on keep going.Welloiled1
Re: Daily Mail Hello Dig,The question seems to me, how long are you going to stay long. In my opinion, there must be something going on. Look at the trades. On the 4th, Swanson bought more than 5 million shares; yesterday some 28 million shares were traded, and this morning we are up to almost 18 million shares traded with one trade of 17 million shares. Is this a major reshuffle before a management buy out, or do we have a predator for Sinclair ? Since he announced he will be leaving Sinclair Pharma Swanson seriously increased his holding. This is not a coincidence. There must be something going on. I also wonder why Sinclair Pharma does not react on all these major share movements. It looks to me that when your shareholders holdings are altered by almost 20%, you must be informed on what is going on. Then it is common sence that all other shareholders are informed as well. Or do we need a mister Ackerman for this?Ambiorix.
Re: sp stability Whys that then you been on the plonk
SP Volatility Up & down like a hores drawers and we have already been taken for enough rides with this one!Good to see one millstone removed all the same and must bode well for the future.
all buys : again so far today come on KIBO
Re: AVON Broker Updates.... 19 Nov 2014 Avon Rubber PLC AVON WH Ireland Securities Buy 671.25 659.50 800.00 825.00 Retains
Re: Results Easily Beat. Avon Rubber operating profits up19 November 2014 | - Avon Rubber's revenue for the year to the end of September was flat at £124.8m (2013: £124.9m) but increased 5% on a constant currency basis.Operating profit before depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) rose 14% to £22.9m (2013: £20.0m) and operating profit rose 20% to £17.0m (2013: £14.2m) (an increase of 26% at constant currency). The progressive strengthening of sterling during the year gave the group a foreign exchange translation headwind. The US $/£ average rate was $1.65 (2013: $1.56) and this 9 cent headwind was equivalent to £5.7m at a revenue level and £0.8m at an operating profit level. Chief executive Peter Slabbert said: "2014 has been an excellent year reflecting the strategic decisions made over the last three years to invest in innovative new products and technologies while expanding our international markets. This strategy will continue to drive growth in the years ahead."- See more at: [link]
Re: Steady progress It's always an irony that in this business that you need losses in order to make future profits. I believe that terrorism and political risk is pretty lucrative.I just wish that my recent acquisition, STAN, was as stable. No chance, sadly.....
Re: Steady progress GreyAgree, looks reassuring and I am happy holding given the low PE and great yield.Only eyebrow raiser was "Smaller catastrophe and large risk losses in the quarter, the most significant of which resulted from the terrorist attacks at Tripoli Airport, amounted to £33.4 million"If AML are insuring risks like that I hope the premiums are eye-watering! What else, Iraqi refineries, East Ukrainian public buildings, George Michael's car insurance? I'm sure they have it well under control.H2
Re: RNS For sure it is leaky, but even small scale exploitation of this gold has potential to re-rate STG, the MC stood at only 2.3m, a decent assay could see significant movement here.Small punt held, interesting little outfit.P2G
5.4 to buy
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