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AVON oldjoe1 19 Nov 2014

Re: Results Easily Beat. PRU..Prudential stock breaking out to 10 year high A lot of broker backing yesterday. Deustche 19 Nov Buy 1,680.00[link]

BQE biguglybear 19 Nov 2014

Re: More info See today's interim statement - positively boring!

SPH charlus 19 Nov 2014

Trades Having seen a volume of almost 18M shares traded today, had a quick look at the trades report on iii. This shows nothing like 18M, so where are they? And whose trading?18M is at this point more than Shell, BP, Vod, GSK and the rest of my portfolio put together.And all for little old SPH.I am surprised we have not seen a statement from the company as it looks as if something a little unusual is going on.

MTV welloiled1 19 Nov 2014

Re: Something is happening If we keep going at 20% a day i will be blue Friday.Sssshhhh better not tempt fate eh?

MWA Vincentinvestor1 19 Nov 2014

Re: gold, nickle and oranges fun but #achl is a great punt ...anyway as always dyor

RSA jarfurrank 19 Nov 2014

UBS Stake Recent RNS shows UBS now has just over 13% of RSA shares.Is this good news?I'm holding shares (at a loss) in this 'dog' - hoping for a recovery or bid (don't care which!!)

AVON oldjoe1 19 Nov 2014

Re: Results Easily Beat. AVON..... AVON RUBBER chart breakout on excelent results. Trades on a forward P/E of just over 15 to 2015.[link]

MWA AlphaCentauri 19 Nov 2014

Re: gold, nickle and oranges I am shorting papayas and mangos at Waitrose looking for those with the red stickers on.......!!

MTV fish lips 19 Nov 2014

Re: Something is happening I'm only 80% down!!! at this rate I may be in the blue by the end of the mont

SPH dwiggy 19 Nov 2014

Re: Daily Mail Sry you were referring to holding RNS's and yes you are right, we should expect something soon based on the recent action surely...

SPH dwiggy 19 Nov 2014

Re: Daily Mail Yes, I'm sure you are on the right track Ambiorix, something is definitely brewing here. As you mentioned the other day we should expect an RNS or 2 soon based on the volumes/share price movement one would hope although its still within the recent price ranges so no huge changes.From my experience the price has to change a fair % in a trading day(s) for them to generally issue an RNS as to why (or that they no, no reason why) which we haven't had yet...Great previous results though and don't see why they won't turn immensely profitable going forward, this is my first and only pharma stock atm so will watch and see how things develop given we have hit an "inflection point" here....

AKR gretel 19 Nov 2014

New analyst report - large upside New Redchip research report just out - note the $10.8m cash compared to the £10.65m m/cap:[link] price of $11.40. We are applying a 5.0x P/S multiple to our projected FY15 revenue per share of $2.25. Our target price offers significant upside from the current price of $3.13. We believe the current entry point is very attractive, especially considering that AKER is trading just below book value (0.99x), has no debt, is generating revenue both domestically and internationally and has many pending product launches on the horizon."

AVON oldjoe1 19 Nov 2014

Re: Results Easily Beat. AVON...........Avon RubberOn the verge of a breakout. [link]

STG TassOil 19 Nov 2014

1p looks like we have gained some attention, I am going along with the first reaction initiated yesterday up 60%, to base that the results we are about to receive at the end of the week is going to be very good. Otherwise the continued increase in the SP price would not continue today. Based on this i predict we will be back to 1p by the end of the week, due to the fact that we are well over sold.

AGQ Noddy 19 Nov 2014

Delayed buy @ 39.5p. Could well do 50p imminently. This beauty has a habit of major moves in double time and 40p is now broken.