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LND Hunterguitar 19 Nov 2014

The trouble is that 'highly promising' sounds like AIM speak for 'jam tomorrow' perhaps.Combined with the 'sell on news' brigade we end up with a disappointing day.Looks like a wait until March 2015 for more news now. Oh well ! Hope I am wrong.HG

NBPO II Editor 19 Nov 2014

NEW ARTICLE: Investing in uncertain times ""Expansion comes to an end at the upper turning point, or peak. Contraction, which begins at the end of the expansion phase, lasts until the lowering points, the trough or revival," said Wesley C Mitchell, director of the US National Bureau of ..."[link]

HTIG SalopTractor 19 Nov 2014


HTIG SalopTractor 19 Nov 2014

provisions.....? draw down on the load of $8million

PTV pelleas 19 Nov 2014

Re: how far can this go bad luck mate. I feel for you. With you there but I bought some on open market too so my average became .20 ...I got lucky. Hope it gets back to your beak even.

TLPR Spain Fund 19 Nov 2014

Re: Sold @ 282 and here is me just buying in again earlier with a tradeplan when I was out. My view on TLPR is short term hold for a profit but secretly hope for a takeover. Anyhow, ICAP bringing the price here down today?. Read this just now, Interdealer broker ICAP dropped after first-half revenues, profits and earnings fell short of most analyst expectations. The company also said it was in discussions to combine its shipping business with broking house Howe Robinson Group.

NXR Mr Norvett 19 Nov 2014

7.81% Up ? Does anybody know what going on today ?

ACHL Wildcat2 19 Nov 2014

Re: Analysis Vincent - OK. That's interesting. I've seen no research that looks that far ahead. But it makes sense to do so because in an agricultural business like this the progression of young trees towards maturity is a vital part of the organic growth of the business. I've seen a recent note from Librium Which looks 2.5 years ahead and is very gloomy. But I think you are on the right track looking further down the line. In 2013-14 ACHL produced 197.5k tonnes. Of that 124k was winter oranges from Xinfeng, and approx 74k a mix of summer and winter oranges from Hepu.Your view is that between 2014 - 2021 production will increase sharply:Hepu 74k to 125kXinfeng 124k to 175kHunan 0k to 175k Are these predictions based on calculations re. tree maturity etc? Or on better science/weather? Orange prices have been weak in China, because production has been rising. Do you think that will continue?What is your view on the concentrate business? DO you see volumes getting back to 60k+ tonnes and margins recovering?I agree that this company is incredibly cheap at these levels, and there is a real chance of a 10x appreciation. I'm not disagreeing with your figures. Just interested to know how you arrived at them.

TEP chas11 19 Nov 2014

Re: Churn - From the amount of time you spend on this Board you must be fully retired now!

MWA DEREK 1968 19 Nov 2014

Seller seems to have finished. All buys now. Just need some volume to force this share price up. I can see no reason to sell at anything below 5p for any current holder given the dynamics of profit and the events that are pending in the near term. MWA will be driven by fundamentals, commodity values and near term company changing events.

GED Tentative Predator 19 Nov 2014

Analysis Current mkt cap @ 46.5p sp is £18.6m. Selling the production assets (held in a subsidiary) for $50m (there may be variations from this, but shouldn't be much). This will eliminate the current $7.5m loans, leaving ~£26m net cash in the company, approximately 50% more than the company's mkt cap. $50m looks to be a reasonable price for the asset once you include decommissioning costs.Additionally, they retain 2 undeveloped Colombian assets with proved reserves of 43mmbbls, partially farmed out for development. Worth somwehere between $1bn and nothing. Could probably sell now for ~$30m. So my risked valuation of the company now is ~100p.There may be tax due on the sale, I don't know Colombian tax law on a capital disposal; the UK tax cannot be offset by the operating losses, but are likely to be offsettable against other capital investments.There is unlikely to be a special dividend (or possibly one of something like ~3p as a sop to shareholders) as the money is needed for development of the retained assets. As such, this becomes a funded play on those assets, they have a higher than average chance of being developable so I put this as essentially an evens bet. A good bet for those who like a gamble, downside is less than 50p per share, upside is at least 200p. Most gamblers would like those odds. But it'll take years for the bet to come in, and in the meantime the price could drift anywhere. As such, this is one to watch, but not invest in just now.Good luck to existing holders.

SPH charlus 19 Nov 2014

Re: Trades Thanks Whitestallion,Unfortunately looks like I was only viewing first 25 trades so missed the big one!

AVM Noddy 19 Nov 2014

How come this is doing so well when so many better gold miners are still in the starting blocks?

HTIG BeerMonkey 19 Nov 2014

GL all

HTIG BeerMonkey 19 Nov 2014

will be keeping a close eye