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MXP f1nants 20 Nov 2014

Re: Henderson buying more? Share price in its typically perverse way falls when henderson showing its hand is still a buyer...


how can anyone fancy these Against Dart group?We have 200 million of net cash.The two companies are so far apart..........this is of course my opinion.tiger

TRIC clockwurktangerine 20 Nov 2014

Re: Like its ticker symbol No tricks. Unlike other aimers which rush thru their accounts Tricor believe in presenting the best. Thanks....

UKM II Editor 20 Nov 2014

NEW ARTICLE: The Insider: City deals uncovered "UK Mail set to deliver? Britain's parcel delivery sector is a tough place to do business, ask LSE:RMG:Royal Mail. Its just warned about growth prospects for the next few years. Rival LSE:UKM:UK Mail issued its own warning back in September, ..."[link]

MTV dunekiller 20 Nov 2014

Re: SP If you still own them you must think their is some value with them, I was 99.4% down averaged down near bottom now about 40% down, get to year high in December and I will be happy then sales of their mobile pvr shares will rocket.

AMI rickyroman 20 Nov 2014

...Frank...Ivan...or maybe Mick.. ...what does not stack up for me is why FT was able to steam-roller through the acquisition of LOND with virtually no opposition. But Joining Marampa with Tonkolli and all the infrastructure represents a once in a life-time opportunity to pick up a 60 YEAR mine-life asset for a pittance.Frank buys LOND, negotiates a sale inc. AMI ....and Ivan / Glencore or even Mick Davis gets a 35 MTA instant iron ore asset.'The actions of the Australian miners is hurting Africa' he said.......saving Sierra Leone big-time...what an acquisition opportunity and not bad PR for Glencore.

STG 321zyx 20 Nov 2014

Retrace Move to Fitbug and enjoy a 100% ride up (probably) before the retrace kicks in at Stellar Resources.... Seen too many times here before!

BBOX wangbaudan 20 Nov 2014

Re: Encouraging Yes, the placing dilutes sp by an immediate 3% and they give us an extra 1% div as a sweetener with perhaps another institutional placing and another bit of PID next month. They do present however quite clearly and convincingly (to my innocent mind) what the co sees as the advantages to PIs for the future and I am more or less happy all in all. Still early days but they seem to keep doing the right things. If they do succeed in plans for 6% yield, at least some of which will be PID, then yippee.

AGA janebolacha 20 Nov 2014

Re: Is it that bad They have the pension fund issue that may, imo, blight performance for years ahead:"AGA Rangemaster (LON:AGA)Trading update - saying that the company is doing well in the UK, but less well in Europe.The company doesn't seem to mention anything about profits, so a bit pointless putting out a trading statement without saying how profits are going! I am assuming therefore that there will be no change to market expectations.I consider this share uninvestable, as the pension deficit & associated overpayments are extremely large, and are likely to consume any cash the business generates for the foreseeable future. Arguably that makes the equity worth little to nothing, since only token divis seem likely.- See more at: [link]

AFCR 321zyx 20 Nov 2014

Back over to Fitbug I guess.... Swings and round about.... Fitbug uptoday and AFCR down today.... Back to Fitbig for now.....

MWA Vincentinvestor1 20 Nov 2014

200d moving average at 2.18p A successful test of the 200 SMA, currently near 2.18 would be a good place to start scaling in a long position, but this has to be done when the moving averages start to turn up or price action confirms a continuation of the up move. basically look at close of business tonight above 2.18 should work out fineimo

PTV 321zyx 20 Nov 2014

Back to Fitbug I guess Time to move everything to Fitbug I guess.... : )

AVON M y Quest 20 Nov 2014

D.Telegraph's Questor..... ....recommends a 'BUY' today. Er - kiss of death...?

AMI bulltraderpt 20 Nov 2014

Re: ...another West African miner.... You wish!However, let's hope it's good news for long standing, under water holders of the stock.No position, but have played it in the past.

ESTL bfs21 20 Nov 2014

Re: Rights Issue Details Nov 14 Does this mean that if I don't subscribe to this offer I will lose all my £4272.00 investment in old Wasabi

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