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KIBO Blue Victor 20 Nov 2014

Re: In the "know" Are you still in here Well Oiled? I have added to my shares here at 1.25 and 1.5 and have quite a substantial holding now. All seems very positive from the CEO, interested to hear your thoughts if you are still about on the forthcoming announcements.

SNRP Franconia 20 Nov 2014

Contact SNR.... I have today e-mailed the company to enquire about the EGM. I used the website contact address: [email protected] and it has come back as undeliverable. Does the company still exist????

ULT builder 20 Nov 2014

I think we will get passed all of this but it will take time, ULT will not go under

GED UkBBinvestor 20 Nov 2014

Re: Analysis Hi Tentative Predator,Thankyou for your analysis.It would be great if you could perhaps give your reasoning for one of its central assumptions?I am specifically referring to:- The money is needed for development of the retained assets. Given the terms of the farm-out agreements signed on both areas earlier in the year when do you see this money needed to any extent, given they have a completely free carry on 5-6 wells?I would honestly be very surprised if the proceeds are mostly or wholly used for development of the existing assets.Nevertheless (going by Platino's expected completion date) we do not have very long to wait to find out.

ULT builder 20 Nov 2014

woolworth, long term what do you think

KCOM FRTEB 20 Nov 2014

Re: 80 to go in Kcom Thanks, truegent.KCOM has been on my watchlist for a while but I'm looking to get in at a lower level. The next few months look like they could be interesting.

LXB FizzyPop 20 Nov 2014

And now 147.50p Nice spate of buys yesterday afternoon continued to push SP higher. It seems this is now playing catchup. Well below the radar for all but the discerning. Could well make 165p by Christmas.GLA

LDP BOWOOD 20 Nov 2014

News Useful news expected ahead of the AGM

AVON oldjoe1 20 Nov 2014

Re: D.Telegraph's Questor..... >Avon Rubber jumps as profits beat expectations</b>Avon Rubber's rising profits have come in just as expected, says Questor<imgsrc="[link] Rubber makes products used in milking cowsJohn Ficenec, Questor Editor60AM GMT 20 Nov 2014Avon Rubber702½p+43pQuestor says BUYMANUFACTURING group Avon Rubber reported a strong rise in profits for the year, leading brokers to upgrade expectations, which helped to send the shares up more than 5pc yesterday.The Wiltshire-headquartered group said adjusted pre-tax profits were up from £13.7m to £16.6m during the period, with revenue flat at £124.8m.Chief executive Peter Slabbert hailed an “excellent year” during which Avon was steadily taking control of its distribution network, allowing it to charge retail prices rather than wholesale prices for its goods. The difference between the wholesale and retail price can be as much as 33pc.Avon Rubber manufactures gas masks for the military and rubber items used by dairy farmers in the milking process; and the majority of the profit comes from the provision of those gas masks to defence clients.Although defence budgets are under pressure worldwide, Avon said a strong order intake in Protection & Defence put the company in a good position for next year. It said it was well placed as the sole US defence supplier, where it is locked midway into a 10-year contract. Avon said orders of its M50 gas mask provided good revenue visibility.The company now has a much stronger balance sheet position after it eliminated its £10.9m debt and turned it round to a £2.9m cash balance by the year end at September 30. Avon took charges of £2.3m during the year, the majority of which related to closing down old manufacturing facilities in the US. The company expects to make savings of £1m a year from next year following the closure.Avon also generated plenty of cash during the year, the amount from operations almost doubling and investment spending falling sharply.Meanwhile, the annual dividend was increased by 30pc to 5.61p, with the shares going ex-dividend on February 18 and payable on March 20. Although the dividend only offers a forecast yield of 0.9pc, it is expected to increase by more than 20pc and is covered eight times by earnings.Questor recommended buying the shares as we flagged the possibility of upgrades (Buy, 627p, May 1), and we stick with this position for the long term. Buy.

3IN gamesinvestor 20 Nov 2014

Re: Investment in la Sante prison PPP There are only two AIM shares I would consider and I don't hold shares in either of them, but if the valuation was more attractive I might and that's :-1. Treatt -- TET2. Advanced Medical Solutions - AMSGames

AML Hydrogen Economy 20 Nov 2014

Re: Steady progress DeepIt seems that many good results or statements of late seem to be followed by a steep fall. Grey's explanation probably as good as any, people buying in in expectation of a big surprise on the upside (like the special div) and being disappointed with a company performing in line with or somewhat better than predicted but without the big headline.I was curious why CGL was holding up well and comparing the IMS from CGL on 13th and AML 19th CGL-11 per cent increase in gross premiums written-6 per cent increase in net premiums earnedAMLGross written premium 9 month up 4.2% at constant exchange rate increase was 9.9%. Maybe CGL built expectations but AML fell short?H2

HICL gamesinvestor 20 Nov 2014

Interim Results The Directors of HICL Infrastructure Company Limited announce the results for the six months ended 30 September 2014.Interim Highlightsfor the six months ended 30 September 2014· Interim dividends plus uplift in NAV per share contributed to total shareholder return of 9.0% in the six month period.· Aggregate quarterly dividends declared in first half of 3.62p per share (2013: 3.50p) and on track to achieve the 7.25p per share dividend target for the year to 31 March 2015. Target dividend guidance for the financial year to 31 March 2016 of 7.40p per share.· Value of the Group's investment portfolio as at 30 September 2014 of £1,639.1m1, up 9.2% from £1,500.6m at 31 March 2014.· Valuation growth of 9.2%, driven by accretive acquisitions, revaluation of certain investments including an investment the Group has contracted to sell, portfolio performance and a net positive impact from valuation assumptions. · Net asset value ("NAV" per share (post interim dividend) of 130.5p, up 7.4p (6.0%) from 123.1p at 31 March 2014.· Three new investments and three incremental stakes acquired during the period for £63.7m funded by £51m equity tap issue in June and drawings under the Group's revolving credit facility. · Four additional acquisitions of incremental stakes made since the period end for a combined consideration of £103.6m have resulted in a net funding requirement of £104m. · Continued strong interest in UK PPP/PFI infrastructure investment driving up valuations and making sourcing of similar UK investments more challenging. · Investment Adviser continues to pursue a disciplined acquisition strategy focused on using its network of industry contacts in the UK and internationally to source new investment opportunities.

AMI rickyroman 20 Nov 2014

...pending an announcement.... ....that's what the RNS, they have something to tell us..just depends what it is.Don't worry Kay, you and the shorters are usually right....

AVON oldjoe1 20 Nov 2014

Re: D.Telegraph's Questor..... Market Buzz<b>WH Ireland says buy Avon Rubber on positive FY results</b>Wed, 19 November 2014WH Ireland says buy Avon Rubber on positive FY results Avon RubberPrice: 702.50Chg: 43.00 Chg %: 6.52% Broker WH Ireland is advising investors to inflate their portfolios with Avon Rubber after the maker of gas masks and milking equipment lifted its annual profits by 21.2% to £16.6m.Avon said orders in its protection and defence division, which makes masks and other equipment for emergency services, the military and industrial and energy customers around the world, had risen 26% to £93m, while 2015 orders were already at £33m.WH Ireland said the outlook for Avon was highly encouraging and raised its two-year fully diluted earnings per share expectations by 5.9% for both years."We maintain our 'buy' recommendation and raise our share price target to 825p from 800p," the broker said.Shares rose 23.5p or 3.6% to 683p at 137 in London

TLPR FRTEB 20 Nov 2014

Re: Sold @ 282 Spain Fund, good luck on waiting for a takeover. I sold TLPR because I thought it had probably topped out and was at least heading for < 250 and possibly as low as 175 later next year, but I'm not 100% confident about reading charts so I didn't post that - I have been known to be drastically wrong so DYOR. Having said that, Lambrini Girl has now said it could go sub £2 and LG has been known to be drastically right on "one or two" occasions I'm not worthy!!!ICAP - I'm out, as of a few weeks ago.

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