More M&A... ...on the horizon from one of the key consolidators in the industry.[link]
Re: Retrace 2p with in days is more realistic. More good news to come on the gold front within a few days plus kimmeridge. the gold alone is worth atleast 30 million compared to current market value of present. the price really should be a conservative 5 times above from present. It will be getting there very soon. GLA and accumulate.
Re: I'm out have sold Weir this morning. There was something in the FT today to the effect that the increase in project costs for miners and oilers is meaning that project developers are putting the squeeze on equipment suppliers.---------- -----Hats off to your prescience, Mr H.
....on site........ ....I think the thought of ebola being identified at Tonkolli or Pepel would have been leaked by an employee.....plenty of expats with links to the UK. Don't forget that AMI is the biggest private sector employer in SL, so that would have hit BBC & Fox News.I guess we just have to sit and wait......
Re: Retrace too late for fitbug
Re: News this deals with investments BO WOODabout time the sp rises !
Buys Some big buys going through today.There must be an rns soon.
Re: Something is going on... cheers IOM...I'll give myself a BANG ON!!...its only a 'young' chart but theres a common diagonal connects highs of feb 2014..drag it down..forms base in feb-may 2013..drag it to lowest point..gave u this new low/base.....other diag of note..connect 30 april with 9 drag up to 19 feb..this diag could put a lid of 315 here..
BBC news 19th Nov [link]
investor day coming up
randstad results reassuring
on track 5.5% yield ...
Re: NEW ARTICLE: The Insider: City deals unc... I decided that I would sell if they ever got back to £7 but got greedy and didn't. The rest is history and if they DO ever get back to £6 I think I'll sell, if I don't get greedy again.
Re: what next mornin chaps..wots happenin here??..was sold then it wasnt..then sold again ..then someone else wanted no one wants it!!..must be a weak buy here..for someone else ??
This looks good value originally bought in at 340, should have bought more, a good update recently, upside is that they are on a lot lower PE than some property companies, I like the safety of health service long term rental agreements as it is hard to see the potential political risk ever materialising, the only downsides are interest rate risks and dividend cover. But with a 5.7% yield versus under 4% for British Land, I will have to buy some more of these.
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