NEW ARTICLE: Plant Impact demonstrates rapid growth "Despite making a profit in the first quarter, investors will have to wait until 2016 for the agricultural bioscience company to be in the black for an entire year"A small company with bags of attitude and I hope bags of promise," is how chairman ..."[link]
5 mill buy @ 0.45 went through this morning just reported now..some are taking advantage or maybe taking the p.either way panic over ..common sense takes over.
Re: News I think the potential Australian investment may be very big
Video : David Lenigas on HH
flurry of buys
Moving north
Re: Retrace Totally agree, today STG should have easily broken the 1p barrier, this is just the initial results. There will be plenty more gold in the same area.Should break the 2p barrier in a couple of weeks, when more news will be released.
Re: Interim Results Thanks GamesAnother solid divi payer4.9% next year on current SP and nearly 6% on costDeep
....after lunch now.... ......sort of gets more interesting the longer this drags on. Now looks like this afternoon for the announcement.....might as well go and walk the dog and enjoy the sunshine in deepest Surrey.
Re: Rights Issue Details Nov 14 you'll still have your old shares, but a lower % of the company due to the new shares being issued.Good to see the Chairman stumping up again and partly underwriting the issue, but somehow I'm not feeling too pleased with yet more dilution and another cash call...not clear when this will ever turn a corner
Preliminary Results They do no make good reading. Usual bumf of welcoming new investors and blaming the Government's insulation scheme. Over supply. They have been in the wrong markets, They are having to reduce costs but will lose capacity as a consequence. They have been losing money even before they take into account depreciation - I had previously thought that they would at least make money at the trading level - depreciation on assets (with cessation of business when it needs to be replaced) would have brought in cash and made use of the value locked into the assets. Alas SPGH could not even manage that. There is some glib talk of improved demand in the last quarter, but it is still early days. I do not recommend buying at this point.The B
Re: Analysis See the RNS"Although the Farm Out Agreements are intended to partially fund the near-term development plans for the Middle Magdalena properties, further exploration and development will require additional capital"
Robspu: yes me too and agree totally
Re: what next LGI'm as confused as you are.They're on the table for trade sale....I'm just sitting tight and not trading it.itsso...If anyone has any real clarity on salamander please lay it out. Thanks (in advance).
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