Peally: beautifully put imo ( apart from the driving yourself crazt part ) too late for that
whats Zac saying Barney? i cannot get access?
not sure i do believe him Pro, however why would you ay something like this if untrue? - if it is lies then all credibility is shot
Re: Encouraging Feels like last time, that the placing will be the forerunner to another larger fundraising rights issue etc. The manager has a large financial incentive to get the capital to £500m so I expect we will see more share issues until we reach that point.
I know nothing about HTIG, just bought some to keep ST and BAO happy Tell me more BArney
OK Barney , lets see
Thank you for the good quality and informed contributions.
ST you don't believe him do you ?
hmmm... i hope you are right Barney - Thanks.
Re: Flowgroup whoops.
More NEWS imo Just my take on the RNS - Judging from the selling, very few appear to understand.RNS States -"Recent drilling and a review of existing data have established that the Alpha zone is far more significant than previously determined. Drilling on line 00 intersected significant Alpha zone mineralisation with drill-hole 0414-503 reporting 20.15 metres at 0.11% Ni, 1.54g/t Pd, and 0.64g/t Pt including 0.56 metres at 10.90g/t Pd and 11.50g/t Pt, and also including 0.72 metres at 12.85g/t Pd and 2.50g/t Pt. These platinum results are the highest reported on the Junior Lake property to-date, and the palladium results are among the highest, all of which are located within the B4-7 deposit. Infill drilling on line 275E further established the continuity of near-surface Alpha zone polymetallic mineralisation with drill-hole 0414-504 returning 2.9 metres at 0.78% Ni, 0.14% Cu, 0.04% Co, 1.54g/t Pd, and 0.06g/t Pt including 0.58 metres at 1.77% Ni, 0.20% Cu, 0.08% Co, 3.27g/t Pd, and 0.09g/t Pt. Landore has initiated an in-house review of existing drilling on the B4-7 deposit to identify potential Alpha zone mineralisation previously not sampled due to low sulphide content. PGE mineralisation is not necessarily tethered to sulphide content, as is the case with the recent high-grade PGEs intersected in drill-hole 0414-503." Again IMO - We are sending all the old cores drilled on the B47 with low sulphide content away to be tested for palladium and platinum ( a large very cheap drilling program ) which will probably cost around £25k Usual time scales IMO - 3 weeks after sending, results will be published.So news close to Xmas.
Flowgroup Amazing that Flowgroup with an inferior product is going from strength to strength. We need to get marketing working in the UK.GA
1p today Looks like the pressure is back on. If we continue this way we could break 1p today. I think a huge surge is going to be imminent.55 million buys and 33 million sells. MM will need PI's to sell soon.Gold is the new oil. Gold price up and oil price down.
where are you hearing this from then Barney?
Re: This looks good value And the divi cover is being worked at.M
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