...Rio tanking...... .....its their own stupid fault flooding the market with iron ore......Sam Walsh is being foolish.... as Glasenburg said...................
yup a winner all the way
Re: QPP RNS Hopefully in due course Quindell will sell their stake here in an orderly fashion to institutional investors regardless of what happens to them.Their indirect investment is not helping the company and puts off other investors as they probably fear it could come under their influence.Quindell have no board representation.
my holding is minor compared to yours and sold on the last spike - still hold some thou
NEW ARTICLE: Five investment trusts treading a tightrope "Recent market gyrations have served as a vivid reminder that even well-managed companies and trusts can see their share prices fall if investors start to lose their nerve.The October plunge proved shortlived in most regions - with most markets ..."[link]
nice holding youve put your money where your mouth is - i hope your comments turn out to be true
....after hours even.... .....been a funny old day...waiting, waiting with absolutely no idea which direction this is going though at the back of my mind, I am envisaging a further loss to my holding.If it goes after hours, be interesting tomorrow morning....be a rush for the exit or rush for the buy button ????
Ophir are still snapping up shares. Difficult to see why they would do that unless they were coming back in some form or another - might just be a lot more agressive than was previously planned. I'm holding.
hope you are right Barney
going back up to 14p imho low risk is the bonus - $50 a barell and they still can make a packet
Why the drop? Anyone have any views as to why we have had the recent drop?
Barney - to be fair we all knew about AFCR potential and STG (although im not in STG)
i have researched and i believe the risk has been shifted with the 'Chapter 11'
yea this has legs forshure + low low risk
Re: Sanctions to hit JKX? >>SELL(46p) target 26p..<<<...near enuff..BANG ON!!
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