Does Anyone Believe Goldman Sachs And The Fed Are Not One In The Same? Today, the big news report in the financial media is that Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) has fired a junior employee and a supervisor for leaking confidential information from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Is anyone surprised .... Continue reading on [link]
Share price improvement Cash from their sale of a lot of shares in Paragon at 3.5p each is now being received, and will help them to expand their own businesses.
Re: No Nickel? when did BH buy those shares ?
Yawn Enova Systems Inc, the maker of electric drive systems for trucks and buses, Thursday said its net loss narrowed in the third quarter as it cut costs, but it again reported no revenue.Back in August, Enova reported no revenue for the first-half of the year due to a lack of demand for its products, but cut its losses significantly by laying off 80% of its workforce.The company has cited continued delays in industry adoption of electric vehicle technology resulting from ongoing battery cost and reliability concerns, as the reason why it isn't making any revenue.It posted a net loss of USD107,000 for the third quarter to end-September, compared with a USD1.4 million loss a year earlier, even though it booked no revenue compared with the USD140,000 it generated in the same quarter last year.Enova has incurred significant operating losses in the past, and incurred recurring net losses and negative cash flows from operations.At September 30, the company had an accumulated deficit of USD162.7 million, no cash and cash equivalents, working capital of approximately negative USD3.1 million and a shareholders' deficit of approximately USD5.8 million."Until the company can generate significant cash from its operations, the company expects to continue to fund its operations with existing cash resources, proceeds from one or more private placement agreements, as well as potentially through debt financing or the sale of equity securities. However, the company may not be successful in obtaining additional funding," the company again warned in Thursday's statement.The company said it continues to pursue other options to raise additional capital to fund its operations."The company cannot be sure that its existing cash and investment resources will be adequate or that additional financing will be available when needed or that, if available, financing will be obtained on terms favourable to the company or its stockholders," it added.Enova Systems shares were untraded Thursday morning at 3.60 pence.
ICAP (IAP) Possible initial support at August 380p trendline, - See more at: [link]
Thoughts from Tip TV Babcock International (BAB) Contract win after recent Neil Woodford shares buy, - See more at: [link]
Re: No Nickel? It's the high grade Platinum & Palladium they've found which has excited them (I reckon that's why Bill Humphries bought £85k worth of shares recently!) [link]
Re: CURRENT FORWARD PERs meant 2015 not 014
Re: CURRENT FORWARD PERs blanket, whats the pencilled in div for 2014? shows as 15.8p for 2013
Re: 1p today Good research ybhere, 750 million shares or 284 million shares is nothing at these low prices. They will be cleaned up quickly, once further news is released."Stellar Resources looks forward to reporting the results of the independent geological survey over the Dolgellau Gold Belt and the commissioning of the pilot processing plant over the coming weeks."
....strongarm tactics.... ....guess the Chinese could have said 'no more cash and we want to buy the company' - problem for FT is that he needs the railway to work LOND and if Shandong own AMI, FT does not have much leverage - a repeat of the LOND scenario.....and FT loses a lot of $$$$$...
Fell back to 92.00p at close - up 3.75p. God alone knows with this one.
...agreed JH.... .....Board seem totally oblivious to their shareholders. Update on why we were suspended in the 1st place would have been a good start. Kinda expect it from FT, but Alan Watling seems a serious sort of bloke....see what happens in the next hour.
Re: 1p today Looking at the Stellar Resources website, the Financial Report for year ending 31/12/13 published 6 months later in June 2014, it shows :-Substantial ShareholdingAs at 27 June 2014, the Company had been notified of the following substantial shareholdings in the ordinaryshare capital, over 3%;Number of ordinaryshares %Portmann Finances SA 157,000,000 21.32JIM Nominees Limited 135,987,993 18.46Beaufort Nominees Limited 40,070,433 5.44Brewin Nominees (Channel Islands) Limited 39,793,293 5.40Ferlim Nominees Limited 36,500,000 4.96Redmayne (Nominees) Limited 32,800,000 4.45JM Finn Nominees Limited 24,375,000 3.31Totalling that lot up amounts to approx. 466m shares or 62% of total shares 749.55 in Issue.If my calculations are correct, that only leaves 284m shares approx., not a vast amount available for investors, and I've got my wedge. YB
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