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ESUR Blanketstacker 20 Nov 2014

Re: CURRENT FORWARD PERs Great minds think alike T!!!Consensus estimates for 2015 dividends, with yields at current prices, in descending order:LRE = 55.1, 8.8%EUR = 15.8, 7.9%ADM = 92, 7.6%AMLIN = 29, 6.6%LGEN = 12.8, 5.2%AV = 20.1, 3.8%HISCOX = 25, 3.7%RSA = 11.9, 2.6%TO BE PERFECTLY HONEST, LOOKING AT ALL THE FIGURES, PROJECTIONS AND REPORTS, THE SAFEST AND MOST WORTHWHILE OF THESE WOULD SEEM TO BE LGEN = 12.8, 5.2% OR AMLIN = 29, 6.6%.(Apologies for capitals).Are you thinking of buying into any of these?B

MWA DEREK 1968 20 Nov 2014

Edison's view on Nickel and Mwana [link]

MIRL Barrie 20 Nov 2014

Windrush - Sorry to burst your bubble but first of all, financing will be well before March - hopefully very very soon actually. Secondly, they won't run out of money. Macquarie has been funding them - they're not just a bank for them, but also a major shareholder. Macquarie is their safety net. That's why I'm very confident loading up now. If we're buying low and selling high, this is low, and I believe it's THE low.

FITB klievas 20 Nov 2014

another idiot

FITB klievas 20 Nov 2014

piss off 49


CNBC partners Big Data with Kensho Posted as it does relate to how companies are moving into this direction to give them an edge.[link] well for FXI

PTV cfos 20 Nov 2014

Re: 5 mill buy @ 0.45 good time to get back in, lets see tomorrow, can see another day of falls.

AMI rickyroman 20 Nov 2014

...problem is..... ...SISG paid $1.5 billion for 25% and they see an opportunity to buy the whole lot for next to nothing. My immediate worry is that there is a weekly wage bill, operational overheads and a need for cash to keep the business going. I think we have to factor in a worst case scenario where they simply 'starve' the company into submission.Why ?? Identical scenario over at Belzone where China Sonagol overpaid for shares, then as the company ran out of money offered a loan and then 'pulled' part of that loan at a critical juncture - net result China Sonagol own over 50% of the company and effectively shareholders are wiped out because CS are totally in the driving seat.The one option I have thought is that the SL government step in to keep AMI afloat - cannot see why this has not been explored by Watling.....maybe SL cannot afford to....but largest private company in the country,,,,kinda important ????

CGNR RickFlare 20 Nov 2014

I totally agree with the profs age and I have to add, many others on the board too. This operation needs some new blood that knows how to bring the company forward. It's great for any company to have a good mix of experience and knowledge. Fingers crossed that things start to happen quickly and the board start to properly communication with the shareholders

HAWK supeman1 20 Nov 2014

must be worth 10p must be

LEK trickler 20 Nov 2014

down down down another of my oilies on the downward spiral - how depresingtclr

AVM mog 20 Nov 2014

Wonder if CEY might take an interest here.They are into Burkino Fasa and not so far away. The suma outcrop could pay them dividends ,but too much cost for AVM to transport. Any thoughts ,

STG Newapple 20 Nov 2014

stg All in the price now but these are big trades reported after hours19-Nov-14123:230.4812,712,500Sell* 0.700.8061.02kO 20-Nov-1408:23:560.8155,000,000Buy* 0.700.8040.75kO

INFI MRBIG 20 Nov 2014

went ex d badly ...

MCRO GerardP 20 Nov 2014

Corporation Action Vote 18th Nov I previously voted for the B Option but this was ignored and the default A option was applied on the 18th (Deadline date).Was anyone actually able to vote for the B Option on the 18th Nov via their broker? I have raised a complaint with TD Waterhouse who seem to be passing the buck onto Micro Focus. My issue is that TDW could have emailed the Corporation Note out earlier than 7.59pm on the 18th Nov - which I only saw the next morning.Gp

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