Re: Reason for the rise Brilliant 3D , excellent.SAGE
Re: In for a penny He means making a fastbuck on fitbug, peertv, urals, and range ....SAGE
..SISG contacting them.....not ...the Asian mindset is very different to ours and I would be tempted to give that idea of contacting them a miss.Shandong instigated the removal of Bernie Pryor and the re-installation of Alan Watling as CEO. I am happy to leave him in the driving seat and get on with the job of navigating us out off this impasse.Chinese and European stimulus plans could be the best news at the moment.......lets hold our nerves.
? Change from Giltspur nominees to Brewin nomineesDragon?
my 2 cents There is no doubt we are on the verge of a massive reversal Long live the calm and rational contrarians who understand fundamentals and really practice buying stocks low when their prices are cheap relative to earnings.This makes MWA one of the highest-potential and even safest bets to make at a time when the general stock markets are experiencing a hyper-complacent topping. While most investors are foolishly buying expensive general stocks high while the stock markets hit irrational and unsustainable, smart contrarians are buying very cheap gold stocks MWA sees their stocks selling at prices where each dollar of profits only cost $1 in stock price to purchase. This is incredible from multiple perspectives. The last time gold stocks achieved significant popularity investors were eagerly paying over $40 for each dollar of profits. While they loved gold stocks then over 40x earnings, they hate MWA now at just a one dollar PE ratio ....
disconnect This mounting fundamental disconnect has exploded in recent weeks, leaving achl stock prices drifting in some dark fantasyland totally divorced from reality. For contrarian investors who like to buy their profits cheap to maximize their future returns, this anomaly has created an extraordinary buying opportunity. imo
Re: Transformational news Andrew Cochran will do nothing of the sort. Wessex Exploration, I fear, will always be one of the lowest of the low 'penny shares' unfortunately. You're obviously being paid for your ridiculous ramping.I wish you were right pricktyphoon, but alas I think it's time for you to jog on now.My intention is to 'hold' in the hopes that one day I might just get my money back (now that I've written it off) but that may be a long time, if ever.
per ounce valuation for in ground gold I maintain a spreadsheet containing about 40 gold and silver mining stocks, about half of which are exploration-stage juniors. The in-ground gold resources of the exploration-stage juniors that I follow are presently getting valued by the market at an average of $30/oz.It's reasonable to expect that per-ounce valuations will increase over the years ahead. In fact, it's reasonable to expect that at some stage there will be a massive upward re-valuation. However, in the current market environment it will usually not be appropriate to assign a value in excess of $50/oz to the in-ground resources of projects that are not yet in production. Currently, $20-$40/oz is normal.Mwana Africa hold 5.2m ozs of gold resources ( Freda + Zani ), today I value this at an absolute minimul of 100 million US$ /65 million pounds.because our current market cap is 31 million pounds ( and yes i do attrbute zero value to BNC I am happy to let the market makers play and I will continue to add below 2pimo
Re: 500,000,000 36 Billion....... So just over 1% traded. Welcome to the crazy world of MTV and so much jam has been promised it'll keep Robinson's in business for the rest of the century.
Re: All Gas As you say "all quiet on the front" but we can be assured DL and the techo's will be pondering over the numbers.DL said that they won't become fracker's so selling out to a French fracker seems to be the way forward.A quiet DL gives me hope of profitable future for HH.
Re: can anyone give me a good reason I think I am going to half my holding and pursue opportunities elsewhere. That way I still have a stake and a chance to recoup the cash but not sitting here with my thumb somewhere uncomfortable.
Lspoon1 Where art though?
Today's drop Anyone got any clues?
Re: Life returning to this dog? A little more info looks good to me my break even around 8p but nursing losses from years ago.[link] a look at seeing machines another small company with very big brothers in arms so to speak.[link]
Re: Life returning to this dog? I cant take all this positivity all of a sudden !!Double digit percentage increases day on day.If this continues I might be in profit .................. at just over 11p average probably not for a while.Anyhow, faith restored and lets see where this bad boy goes.
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